Saturday, February 8, 2014


READING: JOHN 12:42-47

Verse 47: “And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.”

As caring Christians there are times when we become concerned about people who are unsaved. We observe their unredeemed lives and become sorrowful because we see the consequences of their ungodliness. This response is founded in love. We are concerned about them and desire to see them embrace the gospel and enter the family of God. However, without proper balance, this type of well intended concern can bring that caring person to the point of making inappropriate judgments. Practicing what Jesus has taught us, such as is recorded in John 12, can help us to avoid these types of judgments. Our Savior has informed us of His response to those who choose to not believe. He accepted these choices made by those who did not receive His word, and He did so without making judgments. The Lord acknowledged that the word He had spoken was sufficient to accomplish judgment. We are able to have the same freedom. We don’t have to judge concerning another’s choice. The words that Jesus has spoken will judge righteously. We will profit by following His example. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. What can we do instead of judging?

2. Jesus spoke of His words in verse 47. What is your conclusion about His words?

Friday, February 7, 2014


READING: JOHN 16:25-33

Verse 33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

One of the powerful teachings left by the Lord Jesus for His people is stated in this verse. Here He spoke of two truths which are basic to His promise of peace. The first truth identified Him as the source of peace, the One to whom to look in order to receive peace. The second truth identified tribulation as what is found in the world. Peace in Jesus – tribulation in the world. Believers choose the former, but not always in ways that are adequately focused on the Lord. Some seek peace by trying to make things right according to their perception of what is right. Their energy goes into attempting to correct shortcomings and deficiencies in order to get things just right. They are looking for the day when their issues will finally all be resolved, but there always seem to be spoilers. Their concentration on these perceived wrongs in their worlds, keeps them in bondage to the very matters that trouble them. On the other hand, peace is in Jesus. Christians are able to have this peace when they concentrate on Him instead of their conditions. He has already overcome all that is in the world. That brings us to our choice. We can: 1) Try to overcome by our efforts or 2) put our trust in the One who has already overcome. Let’s say “yes” to the Lord! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How does the promise of the peace that is in Jesus come about in our lives?

2. Why is tribulation such a dominant reality in the world?

Thursday, February 6, 2014



Verse 29: “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of the law.”

“I just don’t understand why God allows these things to happen.” We all have heard that thought expressed. Many of us have, at one time or another, thought it ourselves. Certainly much of our lack of understanding is because we can’t fully grasp the mind of the Lord. We have hope in the promise of the old hymn that says “We will understand it better by and by.” It is also true that there are things which, by His choice, He keeps secret to Himself. The Lord will always have knowledge in which we will not share. Verse 29 above spells out the reality that He had secrets then and we know He has secrets now. However, for anyone who may fell left out or neglected because of divine secrets, there is more. Verse 29 then goes on to add a provision that even reaches us as descendants of those to whom the promise of revelation was made. It tells us that the Lord has established means of revelation that will last forever. We are not deprived because of what is held secret. With those things that have been and will be revealed, the Father is more than generous with blessings that are eternal. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What would you believe to be one reason that God holds some things secret?

2. What has the Lord revealed to you that had been secret for you previous to the time of revelation?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014



Verse 17: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart--- These, O God, You will not despise”

It is truly an awesome and spectacular spiritual reality that people are able to bless the Lord. God is holy, righteous, pure, just and everything else that defines infinite goodness. It is completely obvious that people are not holy, righteous pure and just; and that our behaviors and responses do not define goodness. How can we then please God who is so fulfilled as the One who completes every aspect of goodness? What can we possibly give Him that would even begin to constitute a blessing to our God who is already so absolute? Psalm 51 makes it clear that the sacrifice of material goods, mere tokens of temporal value only, are not what He most desires. Instead, we can bless Him with broken spirits and contrite hearts. These, says the Bible, God will not despise. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. What are some characteristics of a broken spirit?

2. What does contriteness of heart add to brokenness of heart?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


READING: JOHN 12:42-50

Verse 43: “for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”

Parents are often concerned about negative peer influence on their children. Concerned parents encourage their children and prepare them to resist such influences. The reality is that these influences don’t end when childhood concludes or even when teenage years end. Adults are also influenced by others and accordingly at times respond in ways that do not acknowledge the lordship of Jesus. An example of this problem is related in today’s passage of scripture. Those verses inform us that, during the earthly ministry of the Lord, there were those who believed in Him but would not let it be known. They were afraid of the results that would follow if they did, and they feared those who could cause consequences. Verse 43 above captures their dilemma very well. They are also further identified in Matthew 10:28. There the Bible describes people who fear those who can kill the body, rather than He who is able to destroy both soul and body. Today I pray that each of us will successfully resist being wrongly influenced by others. May we consistently seek and find contentment by elevating the praise of God above all else. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How can ungodly influences be avoided?

2. When ungodly influences can’t be avoided, what should be done?

Monday, February 3, 2014



Verse 5: “And there you shall build an altar to the LORD your God, an altar of stones; you shall not use an iron tool on them.”

In this verse the Lord gave specific instructions to the Israelites regarding the construction of an altar. It was to be simple and functional. Today, it is also good in our contemporary worship and service to God, to not dress it up too much. I remember a time in elementary school when I tried to dress up an assignment. I wanted to improve a little beyond what the teacher instructed. The result was that I ruined my paper. The teacher was upset with me enough that I still remember the incident more than 60 years later. I had good intentions, but I should have been content with only following instructions. Something similar can happen in our Christian living. Our good intentions can move us away from the simplicity that the Lord intends for us. Therefore, we must avoid becoming involved with our improvements and missing His basic purposes. The Bible clearly establishes that the quality of our relationships with the Lord is very well expressed by simple obedience. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How can we avoid going too far in attempting a good thing?

2. What do you see when you compare good intentions with obedience?

Sunday, February 2, 2014


READING: JOHN 11:38-44

Verse 43: “Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, ‘lazarus, come forth!’”

April 15th, the date by which federal income taxes are to be filed, is a dominate American deadline. Even those who don’t owe taxes still must file a return by that date. There are countless other deadlines people are expected to meet. We have faced deadlines involving schoolwork assignments, and we are familiar with employment deadlines of many types and varieties. In the Army these required completion dates are known as “suspense dates”. However, the truth is that there is no suspense involved - they are unmistakable deadlines! Even in our families we must respect established completion expectations if there is to be order in our homes. We are constantly made aware that there are consequences when deadlines are not met. Even the name ”deadline” itself implies some pretty dire results. Regarding the Bible, we know it is scriptural history that the Lord Jesus missed the ultimate deadline. He arrived too late to save the life of His friend Lazarus.  However, even the usually final deadline of death itself was overcome by the power of the Lord. Jesus merely used three words to shatter and reverse this normally terminal condition. We can rejoice that the lordship of Jesus includes His superiority over all deadlines, even that of death. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What divine rescue from a deadline have you experienced or observed?

2. Is there a prophetic deadline that you associate with the last days before the return of the Lord?