Saturday, November 16, 2013



Verse 11: “So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend, and he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.”

Joshua was Moses’ attendant and then successor. He was a man of obedience, faith, courage and dedication to the Lord. Joshua led the Israelites through three major military campaigns against 30  enemy armies. He taught the people of Israel that victory was theirs through faith in God and obedience, rather than through military might, weaponry or numerical advantage. It is said that the strategy and tactics he used in conquering Canaan are still classic in military science. Joshua was truly a remarkable leader and man of God. It is therefore important to note that verse 11 above provides a  hint about the root and origin of his success. It says that as a young man, Joshua did not depart from the  tabernacle. This statement leads a person to believe that his desire for the Lord was a source of his greatness. What an example! We also can be elevated in God’s purposes for our lives as we too desire and seek His presence. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. In what manner(s) do you seek the presence of the Lord?

2. What do you think was probably Joshua’s main message to the Israelites as he led them?

Friday, November 15, 2013



Verse 27: “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things that are mighty...”

Let’s consider strength for a moment. For now, this isn’t the spiritual strength of a mature Christian. This is the raw, brute power of physical strength. About whom do you think in connection with this type of strength? It could be Samson or Goliath from the Bible. On a more contemporary basis, maybe it is a professional football player or Olympic weight lifter. Whoever it is, as you picture this person in your mind, it is probably someone in a posture in which power and strength are evident. It most likely would not occur to you to imagine such a person as sick and weak because of a virus. Yet it is true that tiny microscopic organisms can overcome even the strongest person. This fact is a demonstration of the truth of God’s Word as stated above. He has granted this particular truth in His Word, along with countless other examples, all for our benefit. Throughout His order and His design,  the Lord has been faithful to remind us of our weakness. He uses this to keep us aware of our great need for Him. Our Lord, God and King is the only glorious source of our wellbeing. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. When has a weakness caused you to be aware of your need for the Lord?

2. In what other way have you benefited from weakness?

Thursday, November 14, 2013


READING: 1 SAMUEL 30:21-25

Verse 24: “For who will heed you in this matter? But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike.”

The way we see ourselves, what we truly think of ourselves compared to others, sometimes shows up in unexpected ways. Verse 24 above provides an example of this. David and his men had just won a  battle and took great riches from the enemy. Some of the men did not actually fight in the battle because they had become exhausted while pursuing the enemy. These men were left behind to guard the supplies. Those who had gone on to fight wanted to exclude those who had stayed behind from sharing the spoils. However, David commanded that all soldiers in his army deserved the same reward. No matter what function they had performed, they were all to be included together.  Obviously, those who were in combat considered themselves to be exclusively more worthy and deserving. David’s wisdom exposed those attitudes as self-serving. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will be to us today as David was to his men. If there is any selfcenteredness or exclusiveness to be found in us, may the Spirit of the Lord cause it to be exposed. May we be corrected so that righteousness and justice will prevail in us as faithful people of God. That’s a thought- about God’s Word.


1. What defense of David’s decision are you able to offer?

2. What does this situation teach about majority rule?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



Verse 3: “for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?”

In our culture much effort is directed toward attractiveness. Because of advertising and political correctness, people and things are made to appear as fanciful as possible. For example, I saw a box on a shelf in a store that contained a fan. However, instead of being labeled “fan”, the box advertised it as an “air movement system”. Sometimes people are inclined to do the same with sin. Words are frequently used which have the effect of making sin sound less offensive. Therefore, the word” affair” is substituted for “adultery”, and “sleeping together” rather than “fornicating”. This is not so in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians as quoted above, where he exposed envy, strife and divisions. Without hesitation or apology he identified those who were so involved, as carnal. He did not use a word that allowed their behavior to sound less serious. Our tendency to use more comfortable words when confronting sins, has the effect of working against righteousness. The purposes of righteousness are more fully served when we recognize and identify sin simply as what it is. When that is done the stage is set for confession, forgiveness and repentance to follow. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you dressing up anything with what are “kind and gentile” words on the surface?

2. Why does it make a difference when sin is named for what it is?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Verse 19: “Blessed be the LORD, Who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! Selah.”

Many people are loaded with burdens. They carry these loads daily with great stress and much hardship. Some of these burdens are self inflicted. Some are imposed as the result of choices made by others. Many are exhausted and worn down as the result of the weight of their loads. At times, hopelessness and depression come because of the relentless nature of these unmanageable loads and burdens. These are sad conditions, and the sadness is even greater when compared with God’s design for our lives. In His plan for us, the Lord does want us to carry loads. However, His loads are not the type that have just been described. The verse above defines His desire for us. In verse 19 the Bible once more demonstrates God’s heart of goodness for His people. It is definitely His will to load us, and He wants us well loaded. The difference is that he wants us loaded with the fruit of His Kingdom. We should keep in mind and know without doubt, that the Lord will daily load us just as He said He will do. For all who trust in Him, He will bring it forth. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Give honor to the Lord regarding the release from a sad burden that you have experienced or observed.

2. Very soon, take time to pray for someone who is loaded with a burden(s).

Monday, November 11, 2013



Verse 5: “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”

It is a sad reality that people engage in natural human responses that have their origins in the carnal nature of mankind. As any person continues to do that, there is a consistent decrease in their  awareness that an option is available and that those responses can be different. Their minds become locked in on the things of the flesh. The same dynamic operates in reverse for those who live according to the Spirit. Living according to the Spirit causes a person to desire yet more ever increasing life in the Spirit. This choice automatically rejects the flesh, leaving it no opportunity to express itself. Every person is pursuing one of these courses or the other at all times. Since the natural response of humans leads to minds being set on the things of the flesh, it is important to know what  moves a person in the opposite direction. The answer is: choice. Those who choose Jesus as the Lord of their lives, will receive from Him the power that sets their minds on the Spirit. We should not set our hopes and expectations on using our mighty deeds or spectacular abilities to accomplish righteousness living. Instead the great reality upon which we can fully depend, is that Jesus is the Way! That’s a thought – about God’s Word


1. What is the most important awareness that you need to maintain regarding the things of the Spirit?

2. What is the most important awareness you need to maintain regarding the things of the flesh?

Sunday, November 10, 2013



Verse 25: “But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”

If I needed encouragement about something coming up in the future, I wouldn’t be content with a wish toward that event. The dictionary defines a wish as an expressed desire for something. A wish is just a statement about some desire. That alone is not something that stirs much passion or enthusiasm. For anything important, I would want more support than what comes from a wish. A hope as defined in the dictionary would be better. It says that a hope is also an expressed desire, but one accompanied by an expectation and belief that it will happen. An expression of hope provides more strength and  vigor than is found in a mere wish. However, the encouragement that I would most want – is scriptural hope. This is hope that is based on a Believer’s status in Jesus. As stated in verse 25, this is hope that involves waiting eagerly with perseverance. For real encouragement, don’t settle for a wish. No, no! Scriptural hope is something that will make a difference. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Does this reading speak to you about your source of encouragement?

2. What is a verse of scripture that provides hope for you?