Saturday, July 5, 2014



Verse 25: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”

We are blessed to have the word of God which does not tease us, but edifies us instead. The verse above provides an example. If this verse happened tobe all the Bible had to say on this point, a person could feel teased or left high and dry. Anyone taking verse 25 seriously would want to know something of how to avoid this ominous way of death. We all entertain many ways that we believe to be right, but if any of them have us headed in the way of death, we would certainly want to know. This verse makes us curious about those ways and what they could be, but it is not there to tease. Teasing creates a sense of emptiness. Instead of that, the Lord’s word provides the counsel that causes us to be filled. In this case He provides guidance for us as needed, so we can be steered from the way of death. Some edification is supplied even in this very same chapter. Verse 20 provides part of what is given to fill us. It says, “He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he.” It is by the word of the Lord that we are led fully into life and not the way of death. We often hear the term “full disclosure” used these days. God’s revelations to His people are the ultimate development of the term. He provides all we need to know! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What causes people to be deceived into taking a wrong way?

2. How are those who trust in the Lord made happy?

Friday, July 4, 2014



Verse 14: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.”

For some this verse could very well bring up a question about what it takes to cause a person’s words and meditations to become acceptable to the Lord. It is an absolute reality that there are words and meditations coming forth from the hearts of people that are not of good quality. As they are spoken or thought, there is extremely little about them that would commend them to our Holy God. Other people produce words and meditations that are of good quality and are wholly acceptable to the Father. These come from hearts that rejoice in the Lord and are steadfast in Him. These acceptable words and meditations serve to give God great pleasure in us as His children of promise. They are expressions rooted in hearts of love. Therefore it would seem the key is in the heart. The Word of God commands us to love the Lord with all of our hearts. It is such hearts that are sensitive and responsive to the Spirit of the Lord, that will express those acceptable thoughts and meditations. This day may our words and meditations be of good quality and acceptable, coming from hearts of love for the Father. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you expect would happen if a person would consistently use this verse as a prayer to the Lord?

2. Do you engage in words and meditations that may seem acceptable in your sight but not the Lord’s?

Thursday, July 3, 2014



Verse 2: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

There are times when it is not enough to merely be removed from a destructive situation. Sometimes more than removal is needed to offset damage that has occurred. Here is an illustration. Ed was a member of an arctic exploration team. Trouble came when he accidently fell into freezing water. Ed promptly got out of the water, but he was soaked and had no dry clothing or shelter to use. This was a fatal situation for him in which just escaping from the water was not enough. Ed needed more! Verse 2 instructs the people of God to not be conformed to this world, but it doesn’t stop there. Just as Ed needed more in his crisis, we also need more. It is not sufficient for us to only stop conforming to the world. That will not correct spiritual damage that has already been done. To merely stop conforming falls short of what it takes to be established in the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. In order to experience our victory in Jesus, transformation is required. It is transformation that will reverse our former conditions. This necessary transformation is granted to all who have their minds renewed through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What would happen to someone who stopped conforming but did not gain a renewed mind?

2. What happens after a mind is renewed that proves the good, acceptable and perfect will of God?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


READING: JOHN 8:31-36 

Verse 32: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

There are times when one word can alter the effect of a verse of scripture. John 8:32 is often rendered as follows, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Personally, I prefer the impact of the translations that state, “make you free” over those that state, “set you free”. Does the difference really matter? I believe it can. To be set free connotes that permission is granted permission to depart. To be made free means that liberty is produced and freedom is created. If I were confined under torturous conditions in the dark, dank depths of a horrendous prison, it would be good news to learn that I will be set free – that is allowed to depart. However, there would be a downside if I was set free but couldn’t find my way out. I would be much happier if someone was going to make me a free man by getting me out. I would rather be made free than set free. That helps me to more strongly interpret the power of the truth of God. It does more than allowing people to be free from sin and death. The truth of God gets the job done. It produces that freedom! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What reasons do you have for agreeing or disagreeing with the point of the reading above?

2. What is the truth that makes us free?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


READING: LUKE 10:21-24

Verse 24: “for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.”

There are some very serious problems in the modern Church. There are congregations in which attendance and participation are dwindling. In some others the gospel message is being liberalized and diluted. We find instances in which scriptural standards are being viewed with decreasing regard. We even see pastors becoming disillusioned and discouraged in ever increasing numbers. In our nation there is less and less recognition of the great value that should be accorded to Christianity. In the verse above, Jesus gave a good measure of just how great that value is. He pointed out the manner in which many who have historically been immanent as prophets and kings, have lacked the great spiritual privilege that we are offered today. We are magnificently blessed to have such a powerful heritage of godliness available to us. It is a fact that acceptance of this heritage is so much the remedy for most of our problems. As committed Believers, it is time to press in to the full realization of our great value in Christ. He has granted to us the full provision and power to overcome. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you think would have happened if those ancient prophets and kings had seen and heard what we can see and hear?

2. Is there something the prophets and kings had that would benefit us today?

Monday, June 30, 2014



Verse 4: “No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”

This verse informs us that the primary motivation of a soldier should be to please those in authority over him. That, however, is not always true. Soldiers are known to enlist having different priorities altogether. Some may be much more concerned about their own comforts and desires than they are about pleasing their military chain of command. My personal 20 years of military service and experience solidly support that observation. That cannot be so in the Army of God. In His army, every soldier should make certain of his or her loyalties. As we serve the Lord, do we put first His will, commands and laws; or do we find ourselves first serving our own inclinations? Your answer to that is vital. Only those who remain faithful and loyal to Him and His purposes will succeed as soldiers of the Lord. Therefore, today let’s make a commitment. Let’s agree together to please Him who enlisted us! To His every intention, may we be those who respond with a robust “Yes Sir! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How have you pleased the Lord today, or how will you plan to do that?

2. What would a military style of obedience to god be like in your life?

Sunday, June 29, 2014



Verse 17: “But the LORD stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.”

How would you feel if you had to defend yourself in court for teaching the Bible? It could be pretty scary. Then, how would you feel if at that time everyone deserted you and no one stood with you? That’s exactly what happened to the Apostle Paul in this passage. His response was to forgive those who abandoned him. Paul was able to forgive because his hope was in the Lord rather than in those who proved to be disloyal. As the result of his confidence in God instead of people, this godly man received four rewards. First, the Lord Himself stood with him and strengthened him. Second, the gospel was preached fully through him. Third, he was delivered from the situation. And fourth in verse 18, he received added proof that the Lord could be trusted to deliver and preserve him. I might add as a fifth reward, that he has passed the benefit of his experience along to encourage us. Paul set  the standard for walking by faith as being far greater than by sight.That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. How much do you depend on other people to support you?
Too little     O     O     O   about right     O     O     O     too much

2. What reward are you experiencing as the result of your faith?