Saturday, October 5, 2013


READING: 2 Corinthians 1:15-24

Verses 21, 22: “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”

Some of the spiritual good news established for Christians is found in these two verses. First, God’s seal upon us means we are marked or designated as belonging to Him. That leaves no doubt regarding our spiritual identity and the treatment that identity demands. Next, we who are God’s are given the Spirit in our hearts. This Spirit is the Holy Spirit of the Lord. Once received, the Holy Spirit is able to empower, teach, comfort, encourage and to accomplish infinitely in the lives of Christians. As powerful as this promise is, it is still only a beginning. This verse says that the perfection of the Holy Spirit is what in the King James Version of the Bible, is termed an “earnest” with regard to what is to come. An earnest is a deposit or a guarantee of full payment for the future. With the perfection of the Holy Spirit as an earnest, we can certainly expect the full payment to be infinite, limitless and complete as ordained in the heart of God. It will certainly be more than we can ask or think, fully exceeding our greatest expectation and hope. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. What is the primary benefit that you experience in your life because God has given you His Spirit in your heart?

2. Do you take note of the presence of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis as you go about your life? Do you need a greater awareness?

Friday, October 4, 2013


READING: ACTS 16:16-18

Verse 18: “And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour.”

How are you at recognizing and giving priority to spiritual realities over natural occurrences? In this passage we see that Paul was very astute in his ability to discern spiritual activity and reality. He recognized the spirit in the girl that was causing her to be disruptive. This annoyed Paul, maybe less because of what she was saying and more because of the spirit of divination by which she said it. Whatever the reason, he put a stop to the influence that caused her behavior. This seems similar to when Jesus confronted the attitude that was being expressed by Peter by saying “...Get behind me Satan!...” There are times when it is important to know the difference between what exists in the natural behavior of people and what is transpiring spiritually. We must remember that our fight is not against flesh and blood, and that we must prevail in the spirit. That’s a thought – about God’s Word


1. If you entered an innocent looking bookstore that was full of occult literature, would you discern the spiritual environment before seeing the book titles?

2. Are you informed regarding spiritual influences in current international affairs?

3. Do your responses to the questions above call you to action?

Thursday, October 3, 2013



Verse 23: “And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron.”

A sound that I would classify as frightening and totally despairing, is the loud and final clang of a closing prison door. This sound would fully convince me of the reality of my imprisonment. The clang would force my recognition of the hard and unyielding metal confining me. This verse describes in vivid detail the curses that result from disobedience. These consequences are like having bronze overhead and iron underfoot. Nothing is going to come in and nothing is going to go out from above or beneath. That warning conveys a hardness similar to the slam of the prison door, and it shouts “Isolation!” What is even worse, as described in this scripture, is that in a like manner, the disobedient are being harshly shut away from their God, Maker and Sustainer. That is being closed off from the One who counts most. It is wise to honor and obey the Lord that we will be open and accessible to Him and He to us. That’s a thought – about God’s Word


1. Is there any degree to which you feel isolated from the love of God? If so, permit that to be a focus of sincere prayer.

2. Under what conditions are you most open to His love? How can those conditions be maximized?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013



Verse 6: “Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.”

The Word of God is absolutely an exceedingly great and powerful encouragement for Christians regarding the faithfulness of the Lord our God! As we desire the leadership of the Holy Spirit to guide and govern our lives, the Bible encourages us with striking examples of some of what He has done. We see such an example here in verse 6, as the Holy Spirit forbade Paul and Silas to preach in Asia. They then tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit that either. Finally a vision appeared to Paul as the Holy Spirit’s means of directing him to Macedonia. There he was empowered to minister boldly and with great impact! Doors to wrong destinations had been closed, but the door to the right destination was opened. The lesson this effectively teaches is that our Lord, by His Spirit, is a sure, true and faithful leader. He is worthy to be honored and followed! That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. What does this experience of Paul and Silas express to you about Holy Spirit leadership?

2. What will you do today, that will improve your availability to Holy Spirit leadership?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Verse 3: “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God."

In 1423 BC, according to the Reese Chronological Bible, Moses made the following statement to the people of Israel. “Today you have proclaimed the Lord to be your God, and that you will walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments and His judgments, and that you will obey His voice.” For more than 1400 years the Hebrews struggled in their attempts to comply with this expectation established for them by God through the leadership of Moses. They floundered as described in verse 3 above. Their ultimate failure is one proof that people need a Savior. The fulfillment of this need is described in Romans 10:4. “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” No amount of time would ever have been sufficient for mankind to fulfill the standards of the righteousness of God. Praise be to God that, in the Lord Jesus, this fulfillment is a reality for all who believe. That’s a
thought – about God’s Word.


1. You are invited to take a little time to express your gratitude to the Lord that righteousness is fulfilled in Christ.

2. You are also invited to speak to someone regarding the reality of Christ’s fulfillment of righteousness.

Monday, September 30, 2013


READING: Acts 14:6-20

Verse 19: “Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.”

Intellect, although indispensible to our development as humans, can also cause people to be extremely inconsistent. A case in point is the experience of Paul and Barnabas in Lystra. There, a man who had never walked was miraculously healed when Paul commanded him to stand. The people of Lystra then used intellect to conclude that the apostles were gods. However, very shortly after that, these same people were intellectually persuaded by others to kill Paul. Like the people of Lystra, people can still be convinced about one thing at one time, and then shortly after be persuaded about the opposite. Consistent behavior requires more than the exercise of intellect. A truly significant development of consistency needs the use of absolutes that do not change because of differing opinions. We are not at a loss regarding such absolutes. They have been provided and are readily available in God’s Holy Word. We thank You Lord for absolute truth! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How would you be affected by an intellectual betrayal like Paul’s. Once occurring, what would it mean for your future?

2. Where do you stand regarding the balance of your intellect and spiritual truth and authority?

Sunday, September 29, 2013



Verse 5: “And when a violent attempt was made by both the Gentiles and the Jews, with their rulers, to abuse and stone them, they became aware of it and fled...” 

Acts 14:4 says, “But the multitude of the city was divided: part sided with the Jews, and part with the apostles”. Verse 5 above then relates how division turned into violence because of the emotional reaction of those who objected to the gospel. It is clear today that there has been no change. There are still strong and violent reactions from so many who resist the Gospel of God. In fact, these classic clashes are taking place on a grander scale than ever. This is because modern communications and travel result in nearly instant global attention becoming focused on issues that arise. This continuing reality of resistance to the Word of God produces a mandate for the Church. Our instruction is defined for us in 1 Corinthians 16:13 & 14. “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love”. The application of that standard of behavior produced victory for the “First Church”. It will do no less in these last days! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you see as the most obvious attack against Christianity today?

2. 1 Corinthians 16:13 & 14 is a part of our overall response to emotionally incited attacks. What else does the modern Church need? What are you to do?