Saturday, February 1, 2014



Verse 1: “When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God is with you...”

Tremendous technology exists for use on today’s battlefield. Because of that, modern warfare bears  little resemblance even when compared to combat that has taken place in more recent wars. In contrast to this, it is interesting to note that some of the basic principles of warfare have not changed.  Military science, as it always has, still involves the application of tactics, strategy, logistics, engineering and communications. Even in view of the longevity and endurance of these basic principles, there is one condition that entirely dominates over them. This condition, as stated in verse 1 above, is the word and promise of the Lord God Almighty. When the Lord supported the armies of Israel, any military superiority of their enemies was overcome. The principles of military science absolutely did not stand against the will of God. At those times the Lord saved His people in their conflicts, and that is established history. In these times, and forever, He will always obtain the victory for those who are His. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is different between the principles of military science and the principles of spiritual warfare?

2. Can you identify any additional principles of spiritual warfare?

Friday, January 31, 2014


 READING: JOHN 9:23-34

Verse 33: “If this man were not from God, He could do nothing.”

In this verse we read the statement of a man who spoke the truth of God to some Pharisees. Because they considered themselves so much superior to this man, the Pharisees refused to accept his wisdom. Hey rebuked him for daring to think he could teach them anything about God. This verse reminds me of an important pastor of a great mega-church who asked the Lord for a miracle. He did all he knew but the miracle just did not occur. While he was seeking his blessing, he was continually approached by a very destitute looking old lady of the church he pastored. She was someone he just barely tolerated because of how it would look if he rejected her. When from frustration he finally permitted her to pray for him, the Lord promptly granted the miracle. Conventional wisdom tells us to not look a gift horse in the mouth. Better than that, the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:28 that God has chosen what seems to be lowly, to bring to nothing that which seems to be mighty. We must be aware, sensitive, accepting and responsive to receive from the Holy Spirit whatever the Father has for us, and by whatever means He chooses to grant it. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Why was the man able to understand what the Pharisees did not?

2. What other spiritual principle is illustrated by the man and the Pharisees and the woman and the pastor?

Thursday, January 30, 2014



Verse 45: “that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

Why do people who behave in ungodly ways have good things happen? This is a frequently asked question that no one on earth can fully and completely answer. However, it does seem that at least a portion of goodness for the ungodly may result from some form of godly behavior they accomplish, even though their lives may be mostly ungodly. People can behave in a right way without understanding, or intending to respect, a principle of God to which they conform. This behavior can occur unwittingly because of a previously learned response which has become accepted or even habitual. It can be as simple as something that results from grandma’s training. Therefore, an unjust person can be rewarded from an action just because that behavior meets a godly principle or standard. This is constantly true in the physical order of creation just as stated in verse 45 above. I believe it also extends to the realm of spiritual order. Because of the Father’s generosity in His order, the unjust stumble into the blessings of God without knowing how blessed they really are. Good news is that it’s better for those who are His children! Because of divinely inspired relationships with Him, Christians don’t need to stumble, but are fully led by the Holy Spirit into every manner of blessing that the Lord prepares for those who love Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How do you think the evil and unjust would respond if their blessings from God’s order were to cease?

2. What is the main way you are led by the Holy Spirit?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



Verse 35: “And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.’”
Jesus said He is the bread of life. This is a statement that is crammed with a fullness of meaning that our language and society basically fail to fully capture. At the time Jesus was on the earth, bread was the basic food in His culture. It was so basic that eating bread was the equivalent phrase for having a meal. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray “Give us this day our daily bread” it amounted to far more than just praying for bread. It was a request for daily provision. It can even be said that in that time, bread was a metaphor for life itself. Therefore, when Jesus referred to Himself as the bread of life, he was stating with authority that He is necessary for spiritual life as it is intended to be. This is true in the same manner that basic foods are necessary for physical life. By stating He is the bread of life, our Lord Jesus has declared in truth that He is the means by which life in the spirit is nurtured and sustained. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What for our culture is the equivalent of bread for the biblical Israelites?

2. Does this discussion about bread relate to our observance of the Lord’s Supper?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014



Verse 11: “Nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the elmsman and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul.”

We live in a time when the world’s experts and their expert advice are highly valued. People seek expertise to do many things they formerly did themselves. It is true that many aspects of our lives have become so complicated and technical that actually only an expert knows what to do. We depend on experts using books, consultations, service calls and many times the internet. In today’s verse, Paul’s advice which had been prompted by the Holy Spirit, was ignored. That was because of contradictory conclusions reached by a couple of people who were the experts on the scene at that time. The result was that a serious problem occurred, which could have been avoided by the use of the insight given to Paul by the Lord. These days help from the experts of the world is sometimes good and on occasions even necessary. Further, it may be the means that God at times uses for our provision . However, when there is divine direction or instruction for our lives, the wisdom of the world is a foolish alternative. At those times, an expert becomes an ex-spurt, merely a former spurt. For the true deep wisdom that provides light and life, we need to hear from our Lord who is faithful to respond. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What expert would you be inclined to trust the most?

2. In what way are you an expert?

Monday, January 27, 2014


READING: ACTS 26:19-23

Verse 20: “but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance.”

In this verse Paul discloses what he preached. His message was simple, but it is important to note that it involved a specific mandatory order in three steps. The order was first to repent, next to turn to God and finally to do works. Sometimes people try to tamper with the order by using the works in order to turn to God. Here is an illustration. It begins with picturing a derelict person. He is lying in a gutter in his own filth. His thoughts are only of how to get more drugs or drinks. In that very state he is offered the love of God. He wants desperately to accept such an honor, but considers himself to be totally unworthy. He therefore begins to diligently work to make himself worthy, but that is too much for him to accomplish. The result is that he ends up back where he started. If only he had acceptede the prescribed order. Then the love of God would have provided him with the worthiness he tried to acquire. Anyone like the derelict who seeks works befitting repentance, must follow the established order. Before anything else, that person must turn to God. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How common is the problem of pursuing the wrong order?

2. Is there anyone you can help to get into the right order?

Sunday, January 26, 2014



Verse 9: “Indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.”

The power of the apostleship of Paul resounds through all Christianity. It is conspicuous from the days of the first century church, on through to this present age. His ministry has been and is being used by God to an extent that defies description, and is beyond comprehension. However, before he was so dramatically transformed by the Lord Jesus, Paul’s life was clouded by deception. That fact is revealed in the verse above. Because he thought he had to be, this man was a frightening threat to those who had accepted Jesus as Lord. Then, after he became established in a righteous option, his direction was completely reversed. He began to forcefully support what he had previously staunchly opposed. Today there are still those who think they must be contrary to the name of Jesus. They also need that righteous option that converted Paul. We who have already accepted what others so desperately need to embrace, should imitate Paul. We should do exactly what he did. In verse 25, same chapter, he states that he spoke the words of truth and reason. We too are called to speak in that manner to those who need to hear. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you suppose caused Paul to think he had to be contrary to Jesus?

2. Is there anything in your life you need to see reversed, or even only altered, for righteousness sake?