Saturday, February 8, 2014


READING: JOHN 12:42-47

Verse 47: “And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.”

As caring Christians there are times when we become concerned about people who are unsaved. We observe their unredeemed lives and become sorrowful because we see the consequences of their ungodliness. This response is founded in love. We are concerned about them and desire to see them embrace the gospel and enter the family of God. However, without proper balance, this type of well intended concern can bring that caring person to the point of making inappropriate judgments. Practicing what Jesus has taught us, such as is recorded in John 12, can help us to avoid these types of judgments. Our Savior has informed us of His response to those who choose to not believe. He accepted these choices made by those who did not receive His word, and He did so without making judgments. The Lord acknowledged that the word He had spoken was sufficient to accomplish judgment. We are able to have the same freedom. We don’t have to judge concerning another’s choice. The words that Jesus has spoken will judge righteously. We will profit by following His example. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. What can we do instead of judging?

2. Jesus spoke of His words in verse 47. What is your conclusion about His words?