Friday, February 7, 2014


READING: JOHN 16:25-33

Verse 33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

One of the powerful teachings left by the Lord Jesus for His people is stated in this verse. Here He spoke of two truths which are basic to His promise of peace. The first truth identified Him as the source of peace, the One to whom to look in order to receive peace. The second truth identified tribulation as what is found in the world. Peace in Jesus – tribulation in the world. Believers choose the former, but not always in ways that are adequately focused on the Lord. Some seek peace by trying to make things right according to their perception of what is right. Their energy goes into attempting to correct shortcomings and deficiencies in order to get things just right. They are looking for the day when their issues will finally all be resolved, but there always seem to be spoilers. Their concentration on these perceived wrongs in their worlds, keeps them in bondage to the very matters that trouble them. On the other hand, peace is in Jesus. Christians are able to have this peace when they concentrate on Him instead of their conditions. He has already overcome all that is in the world. That brings us to our choice. We can: 1) Try to overcome by our efforts or 2) put our trust in the One who has already overcome. Let’s say “yes” to the Lord! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How does the promise of the peace that is in Jesus come about in our lives?

2. Why is tribulation such a dominant reality in the world?