Tuesday, April 8, 2014



Verse 18: “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth...”

As Christians we encounter various difficulties in our relationships with the Lord. However, there is one problem that seems to stand out as being particularly troubling. Sometime we struggle considerably when the Lord does not support goals and objectives that we establish as important. These are times when we employ the best of our gifts, talents, skills and abilities to accomplish something, and we can’t make it happen. We can be encouraged to know that the Lord has purposes for permitting such times to happen. Although it may be frustrating, in such an experience He just may be preventing us from the deception of believing we achieve by our own power. In His love for us, He protects us from this deception because it leads to rebellion which is soon followed by destruction. Our loving Father brings us back to the principle expressed in verse 18 above. It is God who grants to people the power to be productive and to increase. Our true successes are not by our power to accomplish, but by His provision. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What can a person do to affirm their trust in the Lord as their source?

2. Is there a lesson for you in a frustration you have experienced?