Sunday, April 6, 2014


READING: 2 SAMUEL 14:13-24

Verse 14: “...Yet God does not take away a life; ...but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him” 

The quote above was spoken by the wise woman of Tekoa to King David. She had been sent to him by Joab, the general of David’s armies, and schooled by Joab concerning what to say. Even though the two of them lacked knowledge of this, what they devised for her to say reflects a profound spiritual reality. Because of what must have been the influence of the Holy Spirit, her statement constitutes a forecast of the Lord Jesus who was to come. Although neither Joab nor this woman knew of our Savior, the statement in verse 14 clearly identifies His mission. Jesus is God’s means by which the banished ones are not expelled or cast away from the Heavenly Father. In the unredeemed sinful condition that is natural to mankind, no person is worthy of a place before the Holy God. Accordingly, because of that condition every person deserves to be a banished one. But our loving Lord was faithful, as this verse states, to “devise a means”. The means He devised was the sacrifice of His Son for our salvation. Praise to our God for His means! It is our way to eternal life in Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. If a person is expelled from God, where does that leave them?

2. What have you to say to the Lord about His means?