Tuesday, December 31, 2013



Verse 41: “And Moses said, ‘Now why do you transgress the command of the Lord?’”

Numbers 14 relates how the Israelites rejected God’s plan. They sinned by refusing to cross into the Promised Land when they should have. As they realized the magnitude of their offense against the Lord, they tried to correct their sin. Belatedly, they tried to do what God had previously wanted of them. The problem was that it was entirely too late. They had disregarded the Lord’s command, and were therefore soundly defeated in battle. Their experience confirms the frequently used expression that says “two wrongs don’t make a right”. By using their own solution to correct the sin of disobedience instead of repenting, they added the sin of rebellion and dug a deeper hole for themselves. We can use their experience to our advantage. When we disobey, and disobey we will, we can avoid adding the sin of rebellion to the disobedience. We should learn instead, to turn to the Lord, to receive His generous and merciful gifts of forgiveness and repentance; and submit to His will. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. If at first you don’t succeed, what is the next step?

2. How was Moses able to know in advance that their idea would not succeed?

Monday, December 30, 2013



Verse 3: “And when they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus said to Him, ‘They have no wine’”

When the wine ran out, that constituted a terrible experience. If the refreshments ran out at a modern wedding it might be a bit embarrassing, but it wouldn’t be of disastrous proportions. Maybe an apology would be made and then life would go on. It was not so easy then. Because of the nature of the traditions at that time, the family’s reputation would have been shattered. Therefore, when Mary went to Jesus for help it was with a great deal of pressure and desperation. Mary could have  attempted alternatives other than going to Jesus. She could have called on the local wine merchant, collected wine from the neighbors or used some other option. However, even though He was not yet established as one able to perform miracles, Mary had a confidence in Jesus that caused her to seek His help. We should always follow Mary’s example in our times of need. Why seek other sources  when the infinite and eternal source is present? His promise is to deliver us and supply all our need. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you think caused Mary to have such confidence?

2. Does this passage teach you anything about how to approach the Lord?

Sunday, December 29, 2013



Verse 2: “Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding.”

The statement that both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding provides an excellent model. It is a model that should be used to plan contemporary weddings as well. It would be ideal if Jesus and His disciples were involved in every marriage by invitation. Even as the presence of Jesus at the Cana wedding was a key factor to its success, our weddings these days also should be  influenced by the presence of the Spirit of the Lord. As was true above above at Cana, disciples should be included too. There are differing definitions of disciples. A disciple is a learner or pupil in general. The Disciples of Christ were those who identified with, worshipped and followed the Lord as He ministered. Today Christian disciples are similar to the latter. We become disciples by confessing and accepting the Lordship of Jesus. The institution of marriage would benefit tremendously if more weddings conformed to the Cana model. If that were so, they would be: 1) founded in the spiritual influence caused by the presence of the Lord. They would be: 2) influenced by the physical presence of those  who confess His Lordship. This model was good that day in Cana and it hasn’t lost its power. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What was most important about Jesus being present at the wedding?

2. What is the greatest benefit from Jesus turning the water into wine?

Saturday, December 28, 2013


READING: LUKE 13:22-28

Verse 27: “But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity’”

This passage is addressing a time when people will attempt to establish themselves as being familiar to the Lord and acceptable to Him. They will say to Him “Surely you recognize us, we’ve been right here nearby”. However, He won’t accept them. That compares to the following example: Let’s say I really want to be a Pittsburgh Steeler. My response to that desire is to go where the Steeler players go, dress as I see them dressing, and to adopt their mannerisms. I get as close to the team members as I can. If I do all of that well enough, I may look like and even feel somewhat like a member of their football team. However, the reality is that unless I sign a contract, I won’t get issued their football gear, I won’t practice with them much less be assigned a position on the team, and will never play in one of their football games. I certainly won’t be paid even a penny for being a Steeler! So it is with God’s kingdom. Just hangin’ around won’t do. Jesus said: “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The issue is much more than a team or a game. The issue is our eternal existence. We must be born again! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is Jesus’ purpose in this passage?

2. What do you want to hear from the Lord when you go before Him?

Friday, December 27, 2013



Verse 10: “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”

This verse provides a bit of wisdom from the Lord Jesus on the topic of faithfulness. People frequently have attitudes that do not correspond to the statement above made by our Lord. Many tend to have little tolerance for small things. They don’t like what they call the “nickel and dime” aspects of life. Their intolerance convinces them that lesser matters deserve less attention and effort. There are subtle, or at times even not so subtle, inferences that if these lesser matters would become greater they would then be given more emphasis. According to the Word of God, there is a better name for these inferences. Actually, they are more accurately termed as deceptions. The reality defined by God’s order, is that those who have less interest and involvement in what they perceive as small things, will not change when things arise that impress them more. Only by giving faithful attention and effort to small things, are we prepared for trustworthiness and success in the greater matters. It is like a person stepping off a tall building firmly convinced they will fly. In the form of gravity, God’s order will prevail! The same as it does with gravity, the Order of the Lord regarding  the importance of small things will prevail. It will be as He has established. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.

1. What is a common way that the deceptions described above are exposed?

2. What small thing in your experience has prepared you for something greater?

Thursday, December 26, 2013



Verse 6: “So Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife, and the two of them went together.”

There are many passages of Old Testament scripture which contain inferences of Jesus to come. These passages are known as types and shadows because they give hints of future aspects of the ministry of Christ. One of these is found in the verse above as it describes Isaac carrying the wood for a sacrifice that was to be made. We know that Isaac himself almost became that sacrifice, but was spared. However, the point in today’s reading is that Isaac carried the wood for what was expected to be his own sacrifice. In Matthew 19:17 & 18, the Bible says that Jesus bearing His cross, went to Golgotha where they crucified Him. There we see that Jesus also carried the wood for His sacrifice. However, that which was only a hint in Isaac’s experience, was fully consummated in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. Unlike Isaac, He was not spared death. Instead He experienced it, obtained the victory over it; and became our salvation from it. What was an Old Testament type and shadow in Isaac, became the full and completed Gospel in Christ! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What other type and shadow is particularly striking for you?

2. Do types and shadows of spiritual realities still occur?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



Verse 2: “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”

The top priority of Moses for the Israelites was that they would precisely obey the commands of God. He did not beat around the bush in that regard as he spoke what is recorded in verse 2 above. And now today, all these years later, obeying God’s commands is still a necessary key to success and a godly quality of life. This is not a matter of obeying God to keep Him happy. He is not seeking our obedience as a way to be fulfilled. Instead, His commands have been granted so that we can be  fulfilled. When we obey the commands of the Lord, we are kept from behaviors that are harmful and destructive. Instead of those, we are trained in behaviors that produce contentment, peace and  Kingdom productivity. Our Lord is our great manufacturer, we are His products and He has provided operating instructions. The products of God work best when the instructions of the Lord are followed. Even beyond that – through obedience we are made able to glorify Him! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do people sometimes try to alter the Lord’s commands.

2. Are you sufficiently attentive to being obedient?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013



Verse 15: “And all who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel.”

Some Christians at times wonder if they will have what it takes at a time of testing. There is much encouragement about this in the Word of God. For example the Book of Acts describes Stephen being taken before the council of temple officials. Before his trial, his enemies secretly induced men to lie, stirred up the people and set up false witnesses. This was all done against Stephen to make sure he would be sentenced to death. Then, there was Stephen totally alone among such hostile opponents who were determined to execute him by any means. If there ever have been frightening, stressful situations that could cause a person to panic, Stephen was in one of them. To the contrary however, instead of portraying panic, Stephen’s face was as the face of an angel. He was at peace regardless of the horror of the situation. Such is the power of God to and for His people in times of testing. He has what it takes for our victory and is faithful to impart it to us. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you suppose Stephen may have been thinking and experiencing?

2. If the Lord asked for volunteers for a test like Stephen’s how would you respond?

Monday, December 23, 2013



Verse 22: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love joy, peace, longsuffering kindness, goodness, faithfulness,”

The Bible establishes that God is the giver of peace to His people. God gives peace as the Father, as the Son and as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes forth as peace giver in one of our best known  passages of scripture, Galatians 5:22. In this verse the Holy Spirit dispenses peace as fruit of the Spirit. The blessing of this fruit is presented to Christians as godly provision that saves us from practicing the works of the flesh. Through the fruit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit joins the Father and Son (as will be addressed in other readings) as faithful givers of peace to the people of God. For those who are most assured by a direct statement of God’s intent regarding the gift of peace, the Bible accomodates this desire. It does so in Psalm 29:11 which makes the outright statement  that the Lord will bless His people with peace. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What would you say to someone who believes in peace from sources other than our God?

2. What is one way that peace operates to bless us?

Sunday, December 22, 2013



Verse 9: “that if you confess with your mouth the LORD Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

The Bible consists of testaments and is therefore a book which testifies. One matter to which it powerfully testifies is our salvation, the gospel message. Today’s verse is one of those testimonies. This verse of scripture has an eternal application. Those who confess with their mouths and believe in their hearts are assured of a priceless salvation that will last for all time. That is truly an awesome provision, but salvation goes even further. We are also saved by the Spirit of the Lord each day and all day. The devil does set his traps, schemes, deceptions and tactics to try to keep us from God. However, as we continually confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts, we are constantly saved from those evil purposes. Our eternal salvation is assured and maintained through our daily salvation. That is the power of the great salvation granted to us. It has destroyed the works of the evil one. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.

1. What do you value most about your salvation?

2. What is it that most frequently reminds you of the blessing of salvation?

Saturday, December 21, 2013



Verse 37: “Jesus said to him ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind’”

The statement made by the Lord Jesus in this verse gives perfect clarity to our priorities. We are being told that loving God is the primary response for Believers to carry out. Much happens to add quality to our lives when we love the Lord. Love of God is the ingredient that provides fullness of meaning to Christian living. Here is an example: Sam is roasting a turkey. He uses fresh meat of good quality. He carefully spices and marinates it, and thoroughly tenderizes it. The meat is perfectly prepared. However, unless the heat of the oven is applied, the turkey will not be even slightly appetizing. Heat is necessary for the turkey to become food. In a similar manner, no matter how well prepared, educated or equipped a person may become; it takes love for God to complete a Christian. What the oven heat does for the turkey, this love does for our ability to serve. Much can then follow to produce godliness, but love for the Father is job one. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Why do you believe the Lord requires our love?

2. What would it take to add strength to you love for the Lord?

Friday, December 20, 2013



Verse 3: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,”

An outstanding theme of Christianity is God’s goodness toward His people. The Lord’s word expresses His will that we receive His blessings. We clearly see that stated in the verse above. The highest form of this blessing and goodness is that He has provided for us to be sons daughters of God. Any sincere examination of the Lord’s word reveals that the full extent of His goodness is far beyond human conception. It fully exceeds our greatest expectations! The Bible describes these realities with the following phrases and others like them: “...exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think...”, “... peace of God which surpasses all understanding...” and “...love of Christ which passes  knowledge...”. We are deeply blessed that the Lord has not left us to determine the limits of our wellbeing. If that were so, we would settle for far less than He provides. We must give thanks to our God who, instead, causes us to abound in His extravagance. That’s a thought – about God’s Word. 

1. What do you say in describing the goodness of the Lord?

2. What scripture is most encouraging to you on the topic of God’s goodness?

Thursday, December 19, 2013


READING: 2 SAMUEL 23:13-17

Verse 15: “And David said with longing, ‘Oh that someone would give me a drink of the water from the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!’”

This passage of scripture relates one of the exploits of the mighty men of King David. Three of these men heard their king express a desire of his heart; and then risked their lives to please him. The following characteristics applied to these mighty men:
1. They were close enough to the king to hear him.
2. They were alert and ready to respond.
3. They accepted the king’s desire as their mission.
4. They were willing to risk for the king.
We can use the example set by David’s mighty men for our lives as Christians. We can be mighty for our God who is our King if we:
1. Stay close to the Lord.
2. Are alert and ready to respond to God’s will.
3. Take the will of the Lord as our mission.
4. Are willing to risk for the Lord.
David’s men were mighty for their king. We too can be mighty for ours! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What can you say about your nearness to the Lord?

2. What additional lessons do you see in the response of the mighty men?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013



Verse 13: “But those who are outside God judges. Therefore ‘put away from yourselves the evil person’”

In addition to the command quoted above, we are warned in Proverbs 1:15 to not walk in the way  with sinners, and cautioned in 2 Corinthians 6:14 to not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. In many ways the Bible clearly informs us that inappropriate relationships are harmful. It is true, however, that the opposite also applies. Our associations are also able to have positive effects on our lives. A good way to succeed is to hang out with the successful. As examples we have Joshua with Moses, Elisha with Elijah and Timothy with Paul. These are only a few of many illustrations that indicate the validity of this thought. Therefore, that brings about a tip for those who want to powerfully serve Jesus: It definitely helps to connect and relate with those who are already powerfully serving Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Do you have a relationship(s) that serves you as an empowerment to godliness?

2. Will you pray specifically for a Christian who unequally yoked, or in general for many who are?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013



Verse 18: “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophesies made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare.”

Paul’s charge committed to Timothy is valid instruction for every Christian. We all should wage the good warfare. We can learn some principles of good spiritual warfare from established military principles. For example, military strategy does not require that every enemy position be overcome by combat. In the history of military science, the best victories have occurred when the enemy has been forced to  surrender without any fighting actually taking place. This comes about when wise leadership commands the occupation of certain strategic positions, causing the enemy to be isolated. Then, the enemy’s only choices are surrender or annihilation. Battles that could have been costly are avoided. That’s good warfare and it results from wise leadership. In a like manner, good spiritual warfare is that which appointed by our God. He is the ultimately wise leader! When we faithfully follow the Lord in His strategy and selection of our spiritual battles, we are waging the good warfare. Under His command, we become more than conquerors. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Do you consider yourself to be a trained and disciplined spiritual warrior?

2. What are your strongest impressions about spiritual warfare?

Monday, December 16, 2013



Verse 11: ”who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven’”

Have you seen comedy where one person looking into the sky gets a whole group involved in doing the same thing? That didn’t happen with the angels in this verse. In fact they called the disciples to task for doing so. It seems they were guilty of what could be described as “being too heavenly  minded to be of any earthly good.” The reality is that true heavenly mindedness is a great gift, but unfortunately not all who present themselves as heavenly minded are truly so. It is disturbing when, as the result of the concern about being too heavenly minded, Christians fearfully retreat from true heavenly mindedness. Being truly heavenly minded is scripturally defined. Some examples are where the Bible tells us to seek first the kingdom of God, to keep our minds stayed on Him, and to acknowledge Him in all our ways. Those responses are true heavenly mindedness in operation. They indicate to us that it is only by being truly heavenly minded that we can ever be of any earthly good! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is a good test to detect true heavenly mindedness?

2. What can you learn from observing the most heavenly minded person you know?

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Verse 24: “And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.”

In the verse above we learn that Enoch didn’t die, but that he passed directly into eternity with God. Upon digesting that, a person might say “What a way to go!” However, here is what a little girl was heard to say. She remarked that Enoch walked so far with God, that he could no longer find his way back. That little girl’s statement provides us with a worthy aspiration. As we engage in our individual walks with God, how far do we go? Maybe we should adopt the goal of getting to a point of no return. We can seek to arrive at relationships with the Lord Jesus that completely leave former things behind. The windshield of a car is a great deal larger than the rear view mirror. This fact can be said to represent the higher priority of what is before us, and our need to focus in that direction. However, our challenge doesn’t end with that. Upon obtaining that forward directed focus, how far are we willing to go? Will we be motivated and shaped by Enoch’s example? Are we willing to ask the Lord to take us all the way? That’s a thought - about God’s Word


1. What comes to your mind along with the thought of “going all the way?”

2. How far “along the way” are you today?
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Saturday, December 14, 2013



Verse 10: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”

This verse exhorts us to be strong in the Lord. In understanding how to do so, we can start with a fact about physical strength. A person naturally gets physically stronger by using the appropriate physical disciplines. However, to become strong in the Lord, a person supernaturally gains strength by using appropriate spiritual disciplines. Here are some thoughts about spiritual disciplines: We should pursue biblical understanding - It makes us complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work. We should pray - Fervent effectual prayers avail much. We should seek godly relationships - The great commandments are to love the Lord and our neighbors. When we work out physically we don’t restrict those disciplines to just one or two parts of our bodies, instead we obtain balance. We also need to be rounded and balanced as we work out spiritually. Growth in each spritual discipline will help with growth in the others. All of the foregoing leads directly to the conclusion that we need to work out spiritually to gain supernatural strength in the Lord. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Do the routines of your life include regular workouts?

2. Is there appropriate balance in your spiritual disciplines?

Friday, December 13, 2013



Verse 24: “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’”

In order to receive victory in Christ, it is necessary to believe God at some level ---- to turn to Him in faith in some manner. We don’t have to be at the Abraham or Apostle Paul level of faith, but there must be at least some expression of faith if a connection is to take place. In today’s scripture passage, we read of a man at a basic level of faith, who was seeking deliverance for his child. Jesus promised the man that all things are possible to those who believe. The man accepted and believed what Jesus said, but then asked for help with his unbelief. It seems he was not sure his belief was sufficient for the scope of deliverance that was needed, so he asked for help with it. However, the Bible doesn’t say the Lord’s response was to provide more belief. It tells us He delivered the child. Undoubtedly an increase in faith followed, but the victory was granted immediately. What the man had was enough for the victory. We come to the same position as modern day Christians also. There are times when we are unable to have complete faith for the whole measure of need. At those times we must believe Him where we are, and for what we can. We must meet Him with whatever faith we have. When we do that, He will provide the response that will meet the need. He will provide the victory. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How did Jesus help the man’s unbelief?

2. How do we know how much faith we have or need?

Thursday, December 12, 2013



Verse 17: “Do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

This is a simple but powerful verse of scripture. Too frequently people use the gifts that God has provided for us, in unwise manners. For example, plants that have the potential for many good and  godly uses, are instead used to produce harmful addictive substances. The gift of intellect is horribly misused in order to produce steadily worsening means of sinful gratification. The freedom to make choices is abused even to the point of daring to oppose the Lord. Instead of being unwise, we should be guided into wisdom through the will of the Lord. He does not hide His will from those who sincerely seek it. His word even promises that if we seek we will find. That certainly pertains to the gifts of God including His will for us. The Bible is the Lord’s constant and clear means of the revelation of His will for our lives. The Holy Spirit is ever-present to expose the will of the Lord and guide us into it, particularly as we are available to Him in prayer and submission. Participation with Bible believing congregations and the resulting godly fellowship further positions us for discernment and understanding. Blessings are the result for those who allow the will of the Lord to make them wise. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. By what means are you best able to determine the will of God for your self?

2. Do you see need or opportunity to understand God’s will in some particular area of your life?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



Verse 10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before-hand that we should walk in them.”

Some people ride exercise bikes for their health. They get on and ride these bikes for a number of miles, but when they get off they haven’t moved in distance. Although it accomplishes the goal of providing good exercise, this practice does not move riders along to a different place. Our lives in  Christ are not like that. In Him, we do not remain stationary; we are not on bikes that don’t move. As we follow Jesus, He moves us to worthy destinations. An old saying goes: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there”. That, in terms of progress, is kind of like the bike that  doesn’t get anywhere. Neither of them effectively moves a person to some appointed location. We can look at verse 10 above, and see a much better old saying. That verse is not only about progress in getting to a different place, it is about getting to the destinations where the Father would have us go. Spiritually, it is possible to take the bike that goes nowhere, or the road that goes anywhere. Instead, it is a blessing to know that, in Christ, we can reach prescribed places to receive the good works which the Lord has prepared for us. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What can be done when a person has the feeling of being on a bike to nowhere?

2. What is a major good work prepared in advance by the Lord are you now experiencing?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013



Verse 16: “...buy the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”
Verse 19: “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.”
Verse 20: “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

The verses above inform us of what happens when two or more Christians unite with minds that are alike in Christ. At those times, a special power to obtain results is produced. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about how that happens, but does clearly establish for us the expectation that it will occur. This is a great power that is granted when there is agreement among mere people. However, there is an even more enormous source of results that exists. This happens when we, as those mere people, come into agreement with the supernatural greatness of the Lord God Himself. At those times, we become ultimate achievers through our positioning in oneness with Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Do you need any change in your spiritual life regarding consistent agreement prayer?

2. What is the main result of agreement with the Lord?

Monday, December 9, 2013



Verse 8: “So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them----walking, leaping, and praising God.”

One day Peter and John were on the way to the temple for prayer. At the gate of the temple, they met a man who had been lame since birth. They must have previously passed him many times since he was there every day. On this occasion, however, something very different and spectacular happened. Peter fixed his eyes on the man and pronounced him healed in the name of Jesus. The result of this encounter is described in a familiar biblical phrase that states the man went along with them walking, leaping and praising God. This event powerfully testified of Jesus, and still does so today. The testimony exists because Peter was not in a rut on the way to the temple. Instead he was flexible and sensitive to the Holy Spirit, behavior which is a fine example for all. This scriptural incident gives us the following to consider: What are you like on your way to church? Do you go along in a rut formed by routine, or are you available for a possible call to service as a powerful instrument of God? That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What are you like on your way to church?

2. How does this event testify of the Lord Jesus?

Sunday, December 8, 2013



Verse 24: “leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”

Most people who understand scriptural principles know that the Bible commands Believers to forgive those who offend us. Forgiveness is a response that is very basic to Christian living. However, given  human nature, people may find it difficult to consistently and promptly forgive each time they become offended. Regardless of that, Matthew Chapter 5 establishes an even more demanding expectation regarding forgiveness. Each of us is also given the responsibility to initiate forgiveness and reconciliation when we realize that others have something against us. In establishing this expectation, Jesus answers “yes” to the Old Testament question “Am I my brother’s keeper?” He instructs that each of us, in addition to forgiving others, must also reach out to others to help them to forgive. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. It seems the most important question that would come from this reading is: “Do you need to be reconciled with anyone?”

2. At what point should the un-offended person take the initiative toward forgiveness?

Saturday, December 7, 2013



Verse 18: “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”

In Ephesians 6, verses 13 through 17 describe the whole armor of God. The armor is a gift from the Lord that is designed to make us able to withstand in the evil day. This armor of God has recently been the topic of several devotional readings in this series. There have been descriptions of the armor used by ancient soldiers in their warfare. Those soldiers were physically outfitted from head to foot in a manner that prepared them for action. The action for which they were prepared was to engage the enemy in combat. The elements of physical armor described, have served metaphorically to describe the spiritual protection we have as Christians, for our engagement in spiritual warfare. Therefore, as we are spiritually outfitted from head to foot, we also are prepared for action. The action we are equipped to take is described in verse 18. The armor makes us able to withstand in the evil day, so we can then use the tactic of prayer. With the armor of God fully in place, we complete our warfare by praying with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. As the result, our victory as spiritual warriors is assured. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the role of the armor of God in your spiritual life?

2. We do need the whole armor, but with which elements do you most and least identify?

Friday, December 6, 2013



Verse 34: “Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and who furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.”

There are occasions when people feel miserable. It seems to them their situations are too great for them, and they are beyond help. This may, at times, result in a response that lends credibility to the saying: “misery loves company”. At those times people may act as though the best they can expect is for someone to join them in their misery. The truth is that there is much more! We must be grateful that the hope of scripture provides more than merely the multiplication of misery. The word of God is a source of comfort and encouragement to every Christian who accepts it. Romans 8:34 is an example of a verse that does exactly that. What a wonderful assurance to know that the Lord Jesus is interceding for us! No matter how strongly feelings may pressure us, we have a divine hope. It is a hope founded in the dominant problem ending presence and power of Almighty God. Instead of just seeking company for our misery, as children of the Lord we can choose the overcoming provision and victory of our Holy Heavenly Father. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is another verse of scripture that provides divine hope for you?

2. What happens to those who don’t accept the word of God for comfort and encouragement?

Thursday, December 5, 2013



Verse 16: “above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.”

According to Ephesians 6, the whole armor of God makes us able to withstand in the evil day. We are to stand taking the shield of faith. Roman soldiers used two types of shields. A smaller round shield, called a buckler, was used for individual hand to hand combat. The type of shield referred to in verse 16 was known as a scutum. It was a 4 x 2 foot shield that provided much better protection from enemy arrows. The scutum is the type of protection we have to defend us from the darts or arrows of our  enemy the devil. These arrows can be viewed as progressive as he presses his attacks. At first he attempts to pierce us with the arrow of questions about God’s truth. His next step is to use arrows of doubt that he wants to sink into our thoughts. Then, even more serious is his use of the arrow of unbelief to attempt to penetrate into hearts. Finally, he tries to mortally wound people spiritually with arrows of disbelief to separate them from God. However, the people of God are well defended. The scutum shield of faith is our full protection from them all! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How do you react to the affirmation that you are protected by the shield of faith?

2. What is the effect does our protection have on the devil?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013



Verse 11: “And they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they became weary trying to find the door.”

Genesis 19 describes an incident involving Abraham’s nephew Lot, two angels and some men of Sodom. In this passage of scripture, these men of Sodom were determined to abuse the angels and demanded that Lot turn the angels over to them. As the result of their sinful insistence, the angels struck the men with blindness. A powerful point is made as verse 11 describes what happened next. Even after being struck with blindness, these men of Sodom persisted in trying to carry out their sinful intentions. That  is an abundantly clear demonstration of the degree to which commitment to deception, lust and sin can occur. It is difficult to imagine those men being so dedicated to their intention, that they were not deterred even by being made blind. Sadly, people today are every bit as sinful and committed to their sin as the men of Sodom were to theirs. Right now countless people are suffering horribly from the results of their lusts. They are simply not making the cause and effect connection between their sin and the consequences they are experiencing. With such a powerful human propensity to sin, it is no wonder that it has taken the sacrifice of the Son of God to save us. For that, we thank the Lord Jesus! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Having read about commitment to sin, are you called to any type of action?

2. What do you see around you, that corresponds to the men of Sodom being struck blind?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013



Verse 5: “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the LORD comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one’s praise will come from God.”

In our natural responses, we as people spend a great deal of time evaluating and judging the events, situations, circumstances, activities and outcomes in our lives. Very often the goal of our judgments is to decide whether something is good or if it is bad. Once made, that decision about goodness or badness frequently creates stress for us. If we decide that something is good, then we have to do what it takes to keep it good. If we decide something is bad, then we have an even greater problem because of the pressure to make it good. The blessing is that there is a far less stressful approach that we can take as Christians. Because Almighty God is our faithful Father, we can step back and permit Him to judge on these issues of good and bad. Today’s verse instructs us to do that, and to allow the Lord to reveal what is needed. As we live trusting the promises of God, we know He will always provide those events, situations, circumstances, activities and outcomes that are good for us, using the standard of HIS judgment. Psalm 119:68 defines His standard by stating that He is good and does good. There is great freedom for us when, rather than reacting to what enters our lives, we cast our cares on Him instead. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What have you judged as bad until you came to understood it better?

2. How does the Lord’s standard of judgment differ from human standards.

Monday, December 2, 2013



Verse 14: “Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth...”

According to Ephesians 6, the whole armor of God makes us able to withstand in the evil day. We are to stand having girded our waists with truth. At the time those words were written, girding was a  routine practice. It consisted of taking the bottom of a long garment, such as were worn in those times, and tucking it into a waistband or belt to prevent tripping. Girding permitted a person to stride in their walking or to run because their legs and feet were free from being entangled. Today, Satan is the creator of spiritual entanglements. He tries to entangle us in deceits, lies and deceptions. His intent is to trip us or even to cause us to fall using these entanglements. When we gird our selves with the truth of God, we prevent these spiritual entanglements from occurring. We are able to stride boldly, and even to run or sprint, as we follow our Lord. When we gird ourselves with truth, we move in the truth that makes us free. That’s a thought – about God’s word.


1. What is a scriptural truth that frequently “girds” you?

2. Will you pray for someone today, who needs truth as a source of freedom to advance?

Sunday, December 1, 2013


READING: John 1:6-13

Verse 12: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:”

It seems to be basic to human nature that we protect and defend our rights. Added to that natural inclination is the American emphasis on freedom and rights. Taken together, we frequently see these  two factors produce intense reactions when there is the belief that rights are threatened. In 1 Corinthians 6:7, Paul criticized the Corinthians for using civil courts instead of resolving disputes within the church. He said they should prefer to accept mistreatment and even consent to being cheated rather than to seek secular judgments. What a blow to their rights! In this scripture, the Bible demonstrates that there are standards of behavior which are more important than our personal rights. We can reach these higher standards because of a God-given right which frees us from defending our  personal rights. It also gives us victory in each and every situation and circumstance. This powerful God-given right is just as expressed above in John 1:12. This gift from the Lord, the right to be His children, is the right by which all our needs are met. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are there considerations you hold higher than your personal rights? If so, what are they?

2. Are our churches becoming closer or more distant as sources of resolution for disputes?

Saturday, November 30, 2013



Verse 12: "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”

Some of the sin that people commit is not as much a matter of their activity, as it is a matter of the effect of their activity on them. For example, it would usually be ridiculous to say that the activity of  eating food is sinful. In fact eating is something we need to do to sustain our bodies. Also a meal can be an important family time, or a way to observe a special occasion. Handling our food intake in special ways, including fasting, is sometimes a manner of serious preparation. On the other hand,  when eating food becomes gluttony, it is a sin. One definition for gluttony is “riotous eating”. This definition implies loss of control over eating. The difference between appropriate eating and gluttony, is a matter of control. The same is true of many other activities. When the activity controls the person, God’s dominion is abandoned and sin results. Therefore the verse quoted above applies. We, like Paul, must not give power to our activities. Dominion should be granted only to Almighty God. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. How can you understand what is helpful?

2. What safeguards will help you to avoid giving power to activities?

Friday, November 29, 2013



Verse 15: “and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;”

According to Ephesians 6, the whole armor of God makes us able to withstand in the evil day. We are to stand in boots of peace. At the time the Apostle Paul lived, a bare-footed soldier would have been seriously disadvantaged in warfare. Protection for their feet was needed so they could stand in place in their ranks. These days, the devil attacks our footing in Christ. He attempts to make us unsure of our standing using disruption, stress, distraction, pressures, temptations and other means. His goal is to cause turmoil in our lives so that we will lose contact with the Lord. The Lord provides protection from this tactic by providing the gift of peace. As we receive the peace of the Lord, it protects us  from the turmoil of our enemy and his servants. Boots protected the feet and the stance of ancient soldiers. The peace of God protects our standing in Christ. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is the usual manner in which peace comes to you?

2. Do you consider yourself to be a peacemaker? Why or why not.

Thursday, November 28, 2013



Verse 12: “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”

As we look at the behaviors of people in the world around us, there is a response that is frequently seen. We see people crowding lawful limits. They try to go as far as they can and get as much as they can. They stop only when they get as close as possible to the line that separates them from trouble. This type of behavior frequently results in loss and harm for them, and even to include others who may be affected. These people may remain within the prescribed rules, but overall their actions may  not be helpful. The Apostle Paul encourages a different standard for behavior. This standard is described in the verse above. He rejects the concept of getting away with as much as possible. In its  place he favors behaviors that produce benefit, favor and harmony. As usual, he provides a good example and leads in excellence. His approach is good for us too. Let’s not take advantage of what is lawful, but instead let’s stand for what is helpful. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. Does this reading apply to the practice of driving five miles per hour faster than the posted speed limit?

2. What is the greatest danger in crowding the line?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013



Verse 17: “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;”

According to Ephesians 6, the whole armor of God makes us able to withstand in the evil day. We are to stand taking the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. The armor used by ancient soldiers  was for the most part defensive as it was designed to minimize injury in battle. The sword was the primary individual offensive weapon during those times. The sword of the Spirit is also the offensive  component of the whole armor of God. The devil attacks truth with deception, righteousness with unrighteousness, peace with turmoil, faith with doubt, and he attacks salvation by attempting to distract people from redemption. When it comes to the word of God, however, there can be no real  attack. Satan must always relent to the word of the Lord. There is no weak spot. It is invulnerable in every way! This was powerfully illustrated as Jesus used the word against him in the wilderness. It is the unassailable means by which the warfare is victoriously taken to the enemy. By the word of the Spirit, destruction is taken to the kingdom of darkness. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you think about the sword of the Spirit?

2. Can the sword be used well enough to eliminate the need for the other elements of the armor?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


READING: ACTS 19:23-41

Verse 27: “So not only is this trade of ours in danger of falling into disrepute, but also the temple of the great goddess Diana may be despised and her magnificence destroyed, whom all Asia and the word worship.”

The truth of God is powerful and compelling. In fact, it is so compelling that people at times confess it even though they don’t understand what they are doing, don’t know they are doing it and would  strongly object if they did know. There is a scriptural case in point, and it is found in Acts 19:27 as quoted above. In the city of Ephesus, Christian truths were interfering with the sale of shrines which were used to worship a Roman goddess. A silversmith who made these shrines saw this Christian  influence as a threat to his occupation and began to incite his fellow silversmiths against it. He frightened them by telling them that Christianity would drive them out of business and diminish the goddess whose reputation was at stake. This man’s intent was malicious and fully ungodly. Even so, regardless of the destructive nature of his motive, he powerfully spoke the truth about what would happen. He was an involuntary prophet of truth, although it was against his own will and purpose. This event is another demonstration of the power of truth which must, and will, be expressed. Not  even its greatest opponents of truth will be able to suppress it as ordained by Almighty God. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How will you respond in the future when you observe truth being involuntarily spoken?

2. Can you identify another situation in the Bible when truth was inadvertently spoken?

Monday, November 25, 2013



Verse 17: “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;”

According to Ephesians 6, the whole armor of God makes us able to withstand in the evil day. As we stand we are to take the helmet of salvation. Soldiers in the time of the Apostle Paul, like today’s soldiers, wore helmets to protect their heads and especially their brains. This is vital protection! The body can survive damage or loss of many of its organs. However, when a person’s brain ceases to  operate, that person can’t live. Likewise a person can survive in a relationship with the Lord, even though some aspects of the relationship may be missing or damaged. But when the power of salvation is not operating in a person’s spiritual life, that person can not have a living relationship with God. That person misses the very purpose for which they, and all of us, are created. As the helmet provides for life in battle, so salvation provides for abundant life in relating to Holy God. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. How is the spiritual protection of salvation different from the physical protection of a soldier’s helmet?

2. What are five major ways in which salvation promotes life?

Sunday, November 24, 2013



Verse 37: “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’”

Some Christians are frustrated by a lack of fulfillment in their relationships with the Heavenly Father. They are unable to accept Him as the Father He is. Many such people can quote chapter and verse in describing God and His nature, but merely as exercises in memory or intellect. They know about the Lord in their heads, but do not know Him personally in their hearts. More than head knowledge is needed! Matthew 22:37 make it clear that we must use our hearts, souls and minds in relating to God. The problem for many is that, in spite of their head knowledge, there is confusion in their hearts. At heart level they relate to the Lord as they related to parents or their most significant earthly authority figures. Lack of fulfillment in those earthly relationships is unconsciously transferred to their  relationships with the Heavenly Father, the ultimate authority figure. In these cases, acceptance of God’s perfect love for them, is the powerful key to fulfillment with Him. There is great liberty and victory in knowing Almighty God as He really is. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.

1. Have you accepted adjustment to your image of God? Why or why not?

2. Is it your heart, soul or mind that dominates in your love of the Lord?

Saturday, November 23, 2013



Verse 13: “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

The verse above is important for what it instructs us to do. Further, it also emphasizes a principle of which we should be aware, that applies to the nature of the Bible. This verse demonstrates the reality that each and every word of scripture is important! We are instructed to take up the whole armor. The word “whole” should prevent anyone from supposing that partial use of the armor will do. No one would want to fly with a pilot who was only partially trained. What if the pilot had learned to get the aircraft in flight, but didn’t know how to land it? No person would want surgery to be conducted by a  doctor who missed the part of his education that addressed their operation. In a like manner, we should not expect to be well protected by only part of the armor of God. That is why it is necessary to note and respect every word that is provided in the verse. To receive the complete protection that the Father intends, we must take up the whole armor of God. That’s a thought – about God’s Word


1. Is there a piece of the armor of God upon which you need more focus?

2. What verse of scripture can you identify where one word makes a great difference?

Friday, November 22, 2013



Verses 15 & 16: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil.”

This reading begins by mentioning something that is no longer in practice, but was very common many years ago. In those days people would be given what were called “trading stamps” when they purchased groceries or merchandise. The stamps were glued into booklets, and when enough filled booklets were accumulated, they could be traded for products of value. It was possible to take these  booklets, something of little material value, and exchange them for useful items of much greater real value. Well, that concept applies to our redemption in Christ Jesus. By His blood, our unredeemed  lives are exchanged for lives of infinite value. That same concept also applies to this current time with its evil days. Use of the godly wisdom described in verse 15, permits times which otherwise would be evil, to instead be redeemed for immensely greater purposes. How blessed we are that both our lives and our times are redeemed in Christ Jesus! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you have to say to the Lord, about this great exchange?

2. Is there a way you can honor the Lord by receiving something of less value and returning for it something of greater value?

Thursday, November 21, 2013



Verse 26: “Be angry and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,”

Anger is a reaction that occurs in people, sometimes causing great expense in the form of painful consequences. Because of that many people struggle with attempts to handle anger in some manner that will avoid problems. Some even try to never be angry at all. The wisdom of the Bible, however, recognizes that anger will occur. Therefore we are given scriptural wisdom on the topic. Anger itself is not necessarily sin, but it does very frequently result in sin. It is my personal belief that it becomes sin when it causes the existence of godliness to diminish. This happens when anger is not promptly resolved through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Unresolved anger grows and festers over time, even ultimately causing bitterness which defiles a person. This must be taken very seriously. It is not necessary that all anger be avoided, but all anger must soon be brought to godly resolution. That brings us to the point made by this verse. To insure that the dangers described above are  avoided, anger should be resolved by the end of the day in which it occurs. That’s a thought –  about God’s Word.

1. How do you complete the following statement? ”Anger is

2. Do you need to make any change regarding anger?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Verse 14: Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness.”

According to Chapter 6 of Ephesians, the whole armor of God makes us able to withstand in the evil day. That is important to us because these are evil days. We are to stand having put on the breastplate of righteousness. In the time of the Apostle Paul, the purpose of the breastplate was to protect the heart, one of our most vital organs. It was therefore a necessary part of a soldier’s armor. In his efforts against us Satan  attacks the heart, which is our spiritual vital organ, using unrighteousness. He attempts to lure us or deceive us into sinful attitudes and behaviors. He tries to use the weakness caused by our sinful natures to his advantage. It is the righteousness of God that defends us from these attacks of the devil. Isaiah 64:6 states that the righteousness of man is like filthy rags. That makes it  clear to understand that our own righteousness is not an adequate defense. Therefore, we need the righteousness of God to provide the spiritual breastplate for effective protection. God’s people are able to withstand in the evil day using the whole armor of God which includes the power of the breastplate of righteousness. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you believe is the enemy’s most used implement of unrighteousness?

2. What will increase the power of righteousness in your life?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


READING: 2 Samuel 22:14-20

Verse 20: “He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.”

If you think about it a little, you might conclude that God is in the delivery business. The Bible uses the word “deliver” to describe the freedom He has granted us from persecutions and afflictions (2 Tim 3:11), death (2 Cor 1:10), temptations (2 Pet 2:9), power of darkness (Col 1:13), the wrath to come (1Thes 1:10), every evil work (2 Tim 4:18), and the evil one (Matt 6:13). The word “deliver” is also used to describe the manner in which God provided a way of escape for many Biblical personalities such as Noah, Lot, Jacob, David, Daniel, Paul and even the Lord Jesus Himself.  Furthermore, in Exodus 12 the nation of Israel was delivered, and Esther 9 tells of the Jews being delivered. All of that raises a question. A person may wonder “Why is the Lord so determined to deliver His people?” The answer to this question, as given by King David in 2 Samuel 22:20, is simple. He delivers us because He delights in us. Such blessing causes us to confess: “Behold what manner of love the Father has  bestowed on us.” (1 John 3:1) That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is your most dramatic personal experience of being delivered?

2. How has God worked through your life in the process of someone else being delivered?

Monday, November 18, 2013


READING: John 1:6-13

Verse 6: “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.”

People are so very different as individuals. It is truly a miracle that God has created so many of us, but still has caused us each to be so individually distinctive. This fact brings up an amazing reality  about the Bible. In spite of our great differences, the Lord has placed personalities in the Bible with whom each of us can identify. He has made sure we all can see those with familiar character traits being used for mighty supernatural purposes. I believe He wants everyone to be encouraged in that manner. Many characteristics are presented so that all of us can be stimulated and motivated by what we read.  Even greater, in addition to this quality of individual appeal, some of these characteristics also are attractive in ways that are universal for us all. The verse quoted above for today’s reading is one of the latter. In it there is an honor to which every Christian should aspire. That is the honor of being  known as a person sent by God. In that regard, may we all be blessed to be like John. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What biblical personality in addition to the Lord Jesus motivates or stimulates you and how?

2. What can you identify in your life that testifies that you are sent by God?

Sunday, November 17, 2013



Verse 2: “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.”

We are in a day and a time when many people express religious zeal. These expressions take many forms. Cults and false religions of all types are proliferating. People are even attempting to be gods unto themselves and pursuing that goal with great determination. Others are constructing gods for themselves by elevating whatever they choose to positions of lordship over themselves. Romans 10:2 precisely describes these people. They are missing truth which would inform them that wrong expressions of zeal do not produce godliness. They need to know it is not fervor or strength of zeal that determines the value of their responses. The direction given to their zeal is far more important  and essential than its intensity. Knowledge of the only true God and His Word is what directs a  person to worthy zeal. The great need of mankind is the zeal for the Lord according to knowledge that is modeled by the following statement: “...Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord...” (2  Kings 10:16). That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you being called to any action concerning misdirected zeal?

2. How are you exemplifying properly directed zeal?

Saturday, November 16, 2013



Verse 11: “So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend, and he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.”

Joshua was Moses’ attendant and then successor. He was a man of obedience, faith, courage and dedication to the Lord. Joshua led the Israelites through three major military campaigns against 30  enemy armies. He taught the people of Israel that victory was theirs through faith in God and obedience, rather than through military might, weaponry or numerical advantage. It is said that the strategy and tactics he used in conquering Canaan are still classic in military science. Joshua was truly a remarkable leader and man of God. It is therefore important to note that verse 11 above provides a  hint about the root and origin of his success. It says that as a young man, Joshua did not depart from the  tabernacle. This statement leads a person to believe that his desire for the Lord was a source of his greatness. What an example! We also can be elevated in God’s purposes for our lives as we too desire and seek His presence. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. In what manner(s) do you seek the presence of the Lord?

2. What do you think was probably Joshua’s main message to the Israelites as he led them?

Friday, November 15, 2013



Verse 27: “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things that are mighty...”

Let’s consider strength for a moment. For now, this isn’t the spiritual strength of a mature Christian. This is the raw, brute power of physical strength. About whom do you think in connection with this type of strength? It could be Samson or Goliath from the Bible. On a more contemporary basis, maybe it is a professional football player or Olympic weight lifter. Whoever it is, as you picture this person in your mind, it is probably someone in a posture in which power and strength are evident. It most likely would not occur to you to imagine such a person as sick and weak because of a virus. Yet it is true that tiny microscopic organisms can overcome even the strongest person. This fact is a demonstration of the truth of God’s Word as stated above. He has granted this particular truth in His Word, along with countless other examples, all for our benefit. Throughout His order and His design,  the Lord has been faithful to remind us of our weakness. He uses this to keep us aware of our great need for Him. Our Lord, God and King is the only glorious source of our wellbeing. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. When has a weakness caused you to be aware of your need for the Lord?

2. In what other way have you benefited from weakness?

Thursday, November 14, 2013


READING: 1 SAMUEL 30:21-25

Verse 24: “For who will heed you in this matter? But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike.”

The way we see ourselves, what we truly think of ourselves compared to others, sometimes shows up in unexpected ways. Verse 24 above provides an example of this. David and his men had just won a  battle and took great riches from the enemy. Some of the men did not actually fight in the battle because they had become exhausted while pursuing the enemy. These men were left behind to guard the supplies. Those who had gone on to fight wanted to exclude those who had stayed behind from sharing the spoils. However, David commanded that all soldiers in his army deserved the same reward. No matter what function they had performed, they were all to be included together.  Obviously, those who were in combat considered themselves to be exclusively more worthy and deserving. David’s wisdom exposed those attitudes as self-serving. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will be to us today as David was to his men. If there is any selfcenteredness or exclusiveness to be found in us, may the Spirit of the Lord cause it to be exposed. May we be corrected so that righteousness and justice will prevail in us as faithful people of God. That’s a thought- about God’s Word.


1. What defense of David’s decision are you able to offer?

2. What does this situation teach about majority rule?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



Verse 3: “for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?”

In our culture much effort is directed toward attractiveness. Because of advertising and political correctness, people and things are made to appear as fanciful as possible. For example, I saw a box on a shelf in a store that contained a fan. However, instead of being labeled “fan”, the box advertised it as an “air movement system”. Sometimes people are inclined to do the same with sin. Words are frequently used which have the effect of making sin sound less offensive. Therefore, the word” affair” is substituted for “adultery”, and “sleeping together” rather than “fornicating”. This is not so in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians as quoted above, where he exposed envy, strife and divisions. Without hesitation or apology he identified those who were so involved, as carnal. He did not use a word that allowed their behavior to sound less serious. Our tendency to use more comfortable words when confronting sins, has the effect of working against righteousness. The purposes of righteousness are more fully served when we recognize and identify sin simply as what it is. When that is done the stage is set for confession, forgiveness and repentance to follow. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you dressing up anything with what are “kind and gentile” words on the surface?

2. Why does it make a difference when sin is named for what it is?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Verse 19: “Blessed be the LORD, Who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! Selah.”

Many people are loaded with burdens. They carry these loads daily with great stress and much hardship. Some of these burdens are self inflicted. Some are imposed as the result of choices made by others. Many are exhausted and worn down as the result of the weight of their loads. At times, hopelessness and depression come because of the relentless nature of these unmanageable loads and burdens. These are sad conditions, and the sadness is even greater when compared with God’s design for our lives. In His plan for us, the Lord does want us to carry loads. However, His loads are not the type that have just been described. The verse above defines His desire for us. In verse 19 the Bible once more demonstrates God’s heart of goodness for His people. It is definitely His will to load us, and He wants us well loaded. The difference is that he wants us loaded with the fruit of His Kingdom. We should keep in mind and know without doubt, that the Lord will daily load us just as He said He will do. For all who trust in Him, He will bring it forth. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Give honor to the Lord regarding the release from a sad burden that you have experienced or observed.

2. Very soon, take time to pray for someone who is loaded with a burden(s).

Monday, November 11, 2013



Verse 5: “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”

It is a sad reality that people engage in natural human responses that have their origins in the carnal nature of mankind. As any person continues to do that, there is a consistent decrease in their  awareness that an option is available and that those responses can be different. Their minds become locked in on the things of the flesh. The same dynamic operates in reverse for those who live according to the Spirit. Living according to the Spirit causes a person to desire yet more ever increasing life in the Spirit. This choice automatically rejects the flesh, leaving it no opportunity to express itself. Every person is pursuing one of these courses or the other at all times. Since the natural response of humans leads to minds being set on the things of the flesh, it is important to know what  moves a person in the opposite direction. The answer is: choice. Those who choose Jesus as the Lord of their lives, will receive from Him the power that sets their minds on the Spirit. We should not set our hopes and expectations on using our mighty deeds or spectacular abilities to accomplish righteousness living. Instead the great reality upon which we can fully depend, is that Jesus is the Way! That’s a thought – about God’s Word


1. What is the most important awareness that you need to maintain regarding the things of the Spirit?

2. What is the most important awareness you need to maintain regarding the things of the flesh?

Sunday, November 10, 2013



Verse 25: “But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”

If I needed encouragement about something coming up in the future, I wouldn’t be content with a wish toward that event. The dictionary defines a wish as an expressed desire for something. A wish is just a statement about some desire. That alone is not something that stirs much passion or enthusiasm. For anything important, I would want more support than what comes from a wish. A hope as defined in the dictionary would be better. It says that a hope is also an expressed desire, but one accompanied by an expectation and belief that it will happen. An expression of hope provides more strength and  vigor than is found in a mere wish. However, the encouragement that I would most want – is scriptural hope. This is hope that is based on a Believer’s status in Jesus. As stated in verse 25, this is hope that involves waiting eagerly with perseverance. For real encouragement, don’t settle for a wish. No, no! Scriptural hope is something that will make a difference. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Does this reading speak to you about your source of encouragement?

2. What is a verse of scripture that provides hope for you?

Saturday, November 9, 2013



Verse 8: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Sometimes God is falsely accused of being unloving. This accusation is very often the result of  suffering that has been experienced or seen. People say that a loving God would not allow suffering to take place. This accusation against the Lord is totally out of order. He has gone to great extremes to provide what is needed to both prevent and to relieve suffering. With regard to prevention, He has given us the Bible so that we can understand how to conform to His order. When we do so, we avoid countless  situations and behaviors that otherwise would ultimately produce suffering. Powerful testimonies of God’s desire and His provision to prevent us from eternal suffering are found throughout  the New Testament. The verse quoted above is an example. He Who was perfect took our sins upon  Himself and suffered in order to pay our debt of suffering. His goodness thus accomplished, is greater than the accumulation of all false charges that are made against Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. When have you seen suffering prevented by the application of godly principle?

2. How will you respond if you hear the Lord falsely accused of being unloving.

Friday, November 8, 2013



Verse 32: “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

Edward loves his daughter and begins to prepare years ahead of time, so that he and Mom will be able to give Molly a new car when she graduates from college. With skimping, saving and sacrifice they are able to do it. Finally, after the graduation ceremony, the family goes home. Dad takes Molly to the shining car in the driveway. He says to her “Sweetie, this is your car.” The beaming young lady tries to open the car door, but it’s locked. She looks expectantly to her father, but he says “I’m going to keep the keys”. Well that just doesn’t make sense. You can’t imagine a loving father doing such a thing. Well if a person would not be so unjust, then certainly the perfect Lord and God of all would not be. Having created such wonderful expectations for us, His children, He  certainly would not deny us the key to His promises. He does not bring us to the door of His Kingdom to deny us entry. By paying the price for our sins, He has provided the key that admits us.  This key is given to all who ask. All who call upon the Lord will be saved. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. In the reading above, how is Edward like Father God?

2. In addition to eternal life with the Lord, what expectations are you eagerly awaiting?

Thursday, November 7, 2013



Verse 7: “And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands: for God is with you.”

The words above were spoken by Samuel the prophet to Saul just before Saul was anointed to be the King of Israel, because He had never been a king before. We also frequently come to times in our lives when we are about to experience situations that are completely new to us. We often try to imagine or project how these events will be, but there is no way to actually know. Then, when it becomes over, done and completed; we may realize that we would not have understood even if we had received information or instruction before hand. It was that way for Saul. The Lord knew that too much advance knowledge would not have been good for him. In His wisdom, God wanted Saul to know only that guidance would be provided when needed. We are blessed that this same divine wisdom is used to provide for our lives. We may not always appreciate this fully because sometimes we just simply want to know what is coming. However, the truth upon which we can rest is not knowledge based. It is faith based because  Almighty God has promised to be with us. No matter what unknown awaits us, He will be our victory. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.

1. Are Samuel’s words to Saul of current use to you in your life?

2. Can you think of a time when it would have been detrimental if you had known more in advance?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


READING: JOHN 21:15-19

Verse 19: “This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He said to him ‘Follow Me.’”

The Lord Jesus has clearly stated His intent for His people to follow Him and His example of godliness. Several scriptures establish this expectation, but it is expressed bluntly and forcefully as  quoted above. The Lord simply and forthrightly commanded Peter to follow Him. It is interesting that immediately following this command, Peter strayed from the focus on following and began to question Jesus regarding the future of John, his fellow disciple. The Lord answered Peter by telling him that John’s future was not his concern, and that it had nothing to do with Peter. The last words from the Lord Jesus to Peter on the subject were essentially a repetition of what He had said previously: “You follow Me”. Basically Jesus was saying that Peter should mind his own business and just follow Him. Not only was that a pointed and vivid lesson for Peter, but it is equally emphatic for us today. Any
one of us can easily become involved in matters that should not concern us. This can distract us from more worthy goals that God has for us. The Father may appreciate our hearts and desires to see other things made right, but His priority is that we first follow Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What can result if we exceed the boundaries that are intended for us?

2. What would cause you to be a better follower of the Lord?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



Verse 9: "have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

The first chapter of the Book of Joshua relates the manner in which God commissioned Joshua to lead the Israelites. In verse nine the Lord made the above statement to him. This verse was a powerful word of encouragement given by the Lord to His servant. It is interesting to note that this encouragement took a different form than is usually used. Normally, encouragement is something that is offered. In this case, the Lord commanded encouragement to Joshua. It seems that God did not want there to be an option for the difficult and challenging times that were ahead. He wanted the  reminder to be continually present in a powerful way, that He had not given permission to be weak, to lack courage, to be afraid or to be dismayed. Today every Believer can, and should, personalize that message. Just as the Lord established it for Joshua, we too can accept it as a word of God for our lives. It was not a suggestion that was made! It was a command that was given and it is one that still applies for the people of God today. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. As you consider this verse, what does it mean to you that it is a command rather than just an encouragement?

2. Are there recurring situations in your life where you lack courage, are afraid or become dismayed? What response is needed?

Monday, November 4, 2013


READING: PSALM 106:19-23

Verses 19, 20: “They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molded image. Thus they changed their glory into the image of an ox that eats grass.”

Above is how the Bible presents two verses of Psalm 106. These verses describe an experience of the Israelites. They got what would rightly be called a bad deal. They gave up the glory of God for an idol. We know that nothing approaches the worth of the glory of God - absolutely nothing. But the truth is that the Hebrews could hardy have gotten further from this glory. Instead of glory, they settled for the image of an ox! With the hindsight we have today, we can easily label this sinful trade-off as a bad deal. But hold on; wait a minute. What happens when we sin? I think the answer is that we do basically the same thing the Israelites did. In John 17, Jesus gave oneness with the Godhead and glory to all Believers. However, it is true that sin separates us from these gifts that we have been granted. Therefore, when we sin, we trade glory and oneness with God for the carnality of sin. Just like the Israelites, we make a bad deal. How blessed we are for the life giving reality that Jesus has saved us and redeemed our bad deals. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. In what aspect of your life are you most subject to what is described above as a bad deal?

2. The best thing for a bad deal is to replace it with a good deal. What is the best response to sin as a bad deal?

Sunday, November 3, 2013



Verse 9: “But when some were hardened and did not believe, but spoke evil of the Way before the multitude, he departed from them and withdrew the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus.”

The qualities of persistence and perseverance are generally highly valued. However, like most other qualities, they can be detrimental if pursued inappropriately. For example, the wrong kind of  persistence can pretty quickly become stubbornness. In Acts 19:9, the Apostle Paul demonstrates the wisdom involved in distinguishing between perseverance and stubbornness. When he encountered  hardened unbelief in response to the gospel, he departed and withdrew the disciples. Guided by the wisdom of God’s word, Paul employed godly counsel. As Jesus had commanded (Matthew 10:14), he departed from those who would not receive him or hear his words. Any situation like Paul's that results in an  outcome that is suspect, is a good time for Holy Spirit inspection. At such a time it may be that stubbornness has been exerted and caused failure, producing strife. On the other hand, it may be that persistence has been applied and caused success, producing character. As we live with these possibilities, the question that should honestly be faced is – which is it? May such situations cause us to seek out fresh godly wisdom for a right response each time they occur. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you inclined toward either persistence or stubbornness?

2. What can a person do to either increase in persistence or decrease in stubbornness?