When the wine ran out, that constituted a terrible experience. If the refreshments ran out at a modern wedding it might be a bit embarrassing, but it wouldn’t be of disastrous proportions. Maybe an apology would be made and then life would go on. It was not so easy then. Because of the nature of the traditions at that time, the family’s reputation would have been shattered. Therefore, when Mary went to Jesus for help it was with a great deal of pressure and desperation. Mary could have attempted alternatives other than going to Jesus. She could have called on the local wine merchant, collected wine from the neighbors or used some other option. However, even though He was not yet established as one able to perform miracles, Mary had a confidence in Jesus that caused her to seek His help. We should always follow Mary’s example in our times of need. Why seek other sources when the infinite and eternal source is present? His promise is to deliver us and supply all our need. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.
2. Does this passage teach you anything about how to approach the Lord?