Sunday, November 17, 2013



Verse 2: “For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.”

We are in a day and a time when many people express religious zeal. These expressions take many forms. Cults and false religions of all types are proliferating. People are even attempting to be gods unto themselves and pursuing that goal with great determination. Others are constructing gods for themselves by elevating whatever they choose to positions of lordship over themselves. Romans 10:2 precisely describes these people. They are missing truth which would inform them that wrong expressions of zeal do not produce godliness. They need to know it is not fervor or strength of zeal that determines the value of their responses. The direction given to their zeal is far more important  and essential than its intensity. Knowledge of the only true God and His Word is what directs a  person to worthy zeal. The great need of mankind is the zeal for the Lord according to knowledge that is modeled by the following statement: “...Come with me and see my zeal for the Lord...” (2  Kings 10:16). That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you being called to any action concerning misdirected zeal?

2. How are you exemplifying properly directed zeal?