In this psalm David writes about feeling as though he was in a horrible pit stuck in mud and clay. Many of us can identify with the feeling that David describes at times when our lives become difficult. The psalmist colorfully expresses the manner in which God took care of him. He does so to encourage others who find themselves in a similar condition, to trust the Lord as the way out of their pits. David says he had to take only one action in order to be removed from the pit. How refreshing it is to know there is only one thing to do. David waited patiently for the Lord. In response to that God did six things that gave new life to David. He let David know He was present. He heard David’s cry for help. He released David for his problem, gave him stability and provided new direction. Finally He completed the job by sending David off singing a new song. For those who, like David, turn to the Lord in patience and faith, monumental effort is not required. Our God provides rescue, freedom and fulfillment. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.
2. How will God’s response to you be different from to David’s?