READING: JOB 42:7-13
When a person is treated wrongly or offended it can be a struggle for that person to respond in a godly manner. It can get even harder when the wrongdoer is exposed and the desire arises to see punishment take place. In today’s verse the Lord uses Job to provide a godly model for the response that is proper under these conditions. God judged that Job had spoken rightly and that his friends were wrong as they had spoken against Job. However, the Lord did not permit Job to become proud, self-righteous or arrogant as he was vindicated. Instead He had Job to perform a humble act of forgiveness. Before Job’s losses were restored he had to pray for his friends. The New Testament teaches this same lesson in Matthew 5:44 where it says, “...pray for those who spitefully use you...” Godliness constantly raises the challenges of humility and forgiveness for Christians. Even when we have been wronged there is great reward in a scriptural and godly response. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.
2. What do you suppose might have happened if Job had refused to pray as directed?