Tuesday, June 3, 2014



Verse 17: “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend,”

In order for sharpening to occur as described in the verse above, the two irons must intersect in the right way. If friction is applied on the side of the cutting edge, an instrument can be sharpened. If friction is applied directly on the cutting edge, it won’t be sharpened. The edge will be worn down  and dullness and ineffectiveness will result. As Christians we encounter friction as the world presses against us. If we meet that friction using just our human resources, we become worn down, dull and ineffective. Instead of that, when we accept the leadership and provision of the Lord Jesus, we meet the friction of the world in ways that cause us to be sharpened. If a Believer is feeling worn down, dull and ineffective; that person needs a change. There should not be any more pressure received directly on that cutting edge. The angle of intersection needs to be adjusted, and that is achieved when that person turns to Jesus. Then, guided by the Lord, worldly resistance and opposition will be met in ways that will actually sharpen that man or woman of God. The devil’s attempts to make that person dull and ineffective will only result in increased sharpness and Kingdom value. What is intended for evil is made to work for good. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What comes to your mind as a time when adversity produced spiritual growth or increase?

2. How spiritually sharp are you?
Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hi