Thursday, June 12, 2014



Verse 3: “Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus,”

The first part of Romans 16 is a passage of scripture that consists of many personal greetings. This part of the Bible demonstrates that God can powerfully use something intended to be routine. I don’t at all imagine, as the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Church at Rome, that he could have even slightly suspected it would become what it is today. It probably would have been unbelievable to him that this and others of his letters, would be published and read more widely than anything else ever written. The fact that he included so many greetings indicates that his expectation was limited and localized. It was written because of love and care for a small group. It was not intentionally written to establish instruction and doctrine for the entire Church of Christ. What has happened with Romans 16 is another example of what can result when a person completely surrenders to the purposes of God. Something intended to accomplish a routine or minor purpose can be used by the Lord to perform mighty works for His Kingdom. When shaped by the influence of the Holy Spirit, what seems to be little can become much. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is something in your Christian experience that has become more than you expected?

2. What effect do you think the greetings may have on those who received the letter?