Sometimes people catastrophize. Catastrophizing is a manner of worrying that involves three steps. First a person looks into the future and identifies a terrible possibility. Then the person apprehends that possibility from the future, and brings it into the present as their here and now. Finally, that person experiences the trauma of the future possibility as though it were actually occurring. Our Heavenly Father knew that people would catastrophize. Therefore, He made a provision that addresses that through the apostle Paul in the verse above. This verse encourages us to not panic today, because of something that is in the future. There is time for the Lord to prepare us for those things that are to come. Verse 15 of this same chapter gives a good alternative to catastrophizing. It exhorts us to stand fast and hold on to what we have been taught. By standing and holding we avoid pressure from the catastrophic possibilities of the future. Instead of that we can be blessed to have our Savior to comfort our hearts and establish us in every good word and work. We are to live in peace, not catastrophe. That’s a thought – about God’s word.
2. What will your response be if you get positioned to speak with someone who is catastrophizing?