Sunday, April 20, 2014



Verse 14: “Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.”

At first glance, obeying the verse above may not seem to present much of a challenge to modern Christians. That is true at least regarding the image of idol worship that readily comes to most minds. After all there aren’t that many people, at least in our society, who set up idols as objects of worship. Or are there? Idol worship may not be that common if the operative definition of an idol is a statue or some physical image. However, what if an idol is defined as anything that is given the absolute highest level of respect , or is even placed in substitution for our Lord God Almighty? If that is done it becomes a different matter. If that definition is applied, we all are put in the position of having to examine ourselves. A useful basis for such an examination is as follows. Does a person find there is something that is more important to them for their security and wellbeing than the Lord is? Is there something to which a person would turn before trusting God? If that is so, then to whatever extent that something has replaced Him, it has become an idol. Any person finding this to be their reality should promptly obey Paul’s command. He instructs that people flee from idolatry. No matter what form it may happen to take - flee from idolatry. That’s a thought – about Gods Word.


1. What is the first step in fleeing from idolatry?

2. Is there anyone who needs your help because of engagement in idolatry?