Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I’M GRATEFUL TO.................!


Verse 4: “For you, LORD, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in the works of Your hands.”

Most of us have attended many awards presentations, graduations and other similar times of recognition. At those events the high point of numerous speeches is the part where honorees give heartfelt recognition to their family members for the support they have received. Athletes also are often found giving recognition to others. Like graduates, they also frequently give credit to families, along with coaches and teammates; and very often even the sports fans. These forms of recognition are fine especially when they are sincerely and humbly extended. What is better, however, is when people in such a position use their platforms to express their gratitude to the Lord for their success. What is even greater is when the model established in today’s verse is followed. Although the psalmist may have been grateful for his accomplishments, he elevates his acknowledgement to a higher level. His praise to God was not for what he, King David, had done. His emphasis was on what the Father had done. He gloried in the work of the Lord. Like him our greatest recognition and praise also should always be unto the Lord. The goodness of God endures continually (Psalm 52:1). That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. For what work of the Lord are you thankful today?

2. We don’t use the word triumph very often. Can you identify triumph in your life?