Thursday, March 6, 2014


READING: 1 PETER 2:13-17

Verse 16: “as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.”

What does liberty mean to most people? Webster’s dictionary describes it primarily as the power to do as one pleases. The verse above also addresses the subject of freedom. However, as most Christians would presume, the Bible presents a completely different perspective. This verse teaches us that, rather than pleasing ourselves, liberty should be used to serve God. These differing interpretations can certainly fully oppose each other, but not necessarily so. In relating to the Lord, Christians should enter into agreement with Him. His goals should become our goals, and our desires should line up with His. As we grow in the development of this process, we continually become more and more like Jesus. Increasingly, we are changed as our responses more and more match His. As that process continues, we gradually find that liberty defined as doing as one pleases; transforms into liberty defined as doing what serves God. They become one in the same! Therefore, the ultimate definition of liberty is that it is the condition found when the Spirit of the Lord rules in His child. That is being free indeed. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What does it mean to use liberty as a cloak for vice?

2. Today, how free are you?