Sunday, January 19, 2014



Verse 16: “And it came to pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was vexed to death.”

We serve our God who is creative, fresh and innovative. In our Lord there are no ruts, boredom or monotony. Therefore, we should always be ready for God to provide some new way or to do some new thing. However, that is not so with the devil. He continues to use basically the same tactics that he has always used. One reason is that he lacks the creative abilities that are so present in our God. Another reason is that they still work. People still become deceived by his deceptions, even as old as they are. The manner in which Delilah took advantage of Samson is an example. She simply pestered him so incessantly that eventually he gave in to her. What Satan does today, is to use that to the same effect. He is repetitive and insistent with his lies and deceptions. Eventually he gets some to give in, accept them and respond to them. As the people of God we must know the truth that is given as a powerful aspect of our defenses against our adversary. With the truth of God to sustain us, we have the victory. We can resist being pressed or pestered into deception. Instead we reside in the truth that makes us free. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How do you resist the devious messages of the devil and the world?

2. What would you say is his most used persistent lie?