Friday, November 1, 2013



Verse 6: “Now when He said to them’ ‘I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground.”

Jesus went to the cross and suffered death as the result of the sinfulness of mankind. This death, however, should not be mistaken for weakness. He did not die because He was overpowered by the devil and was helpless. The Lord deliberately made the decision to freely give His life as a sacrificial act of love. The Bible gives us an idea of the power available to Jesus just prior to His crucifixion.  John 18 describes how troops from the chief priests and Pharisees arrived at the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest the Lord. When Jesus spoke to identify Himself to them, they drew back and fell to the ground. They were unable to stand before Him! At that time the Heavenly Father would have provided 12 legions of angels for Jesus at His request. Literally, that amounts to some 84,000 angels. Actually it is a number given to represent limitless overwhelming power. In the end, however, Jesus displayed the greatest power of all. That was the mighty power of His Holy love as He gave Himself for us. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. If you were able to speak with power such as Jesus demonstrated, what is the first way you would use it?

2. What do you conclude about the contrast between the restraint of Jesus and the attempt by Peter to use force?