Monday, September 23, 2013


READING: ACTS 10:44-48

VERSE 44: “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word.”

Here is the ultimate fishing fantasy. Phil has arrived at his favorite fishing spot. He has settled in with all of his fishing necessities and comforts, and is preparing to cast his best lure. But before he can even get the lure on his line, fish begin to jump into his boat. It’s true that the actual fun of fishing is catching the fish and bringing them in, but I think you get the idea of the fantasy. It is all about the ultimate in getting good results with ease. However, that is what it was like for Peter in this passage of scripture. Just like in the fishing fantasy, the objective was being accomplished even before the actions to obtain it were completed. However, Peter’s experience was not fantasy. Instead of that, it was the reality and power of the Holy Spirit! Such is the Spirit of the Lord through those who serve Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. In your life an experience like Peter’s:
___ could be reality
___would have to be fantasy

2. Please pray one of the following prayers as appropriate:
___ gratitude for a relationship with God through which He/you can accomplish powerfully
___ establishment in a relationship with the Lord through which He/you can accomplish powerfully