Friday, March 14, 2014



Verse 23: “Therefore David inquired of the LORD, and He said, ‘You shall not go up; circle around behind them, and come upon them in front of the mulberry trees.”

The passage of scripture cited above describes two battles fought by the nation of Israel under King David. David inquired of the Lord for instructions to fight the first battle, and the Israelites were victorious using God’s battle plan. The second battle was also won, but the battle plan provided by the Lord for David to use was different. If David had not consulted with God regarding the second battle and had reused the first tactic instead, his army could very well may have been defeated. David’s faithfulness to seek God before going into battle is a good example and an excellent source of wisdom. Many times it may seem that previous successes are also formulas for current situations, and they may be. There are occasions when a repetition is effective. However, there are also instances when the old way is not suited for a new condition. Like David, before going forward in any venture, no matter how well previously practiced it may be, we should confirm the will of the Lord. Whether that results in a repeated response or a different one, success is in hearing and obeying the Lord. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Is it practical to depend on God’s direction for your ventures?

2. What is one reason a former response might not work in a current situation?