Monday, March 10, 2014



Verse 26: “the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints.”

When an exceptionally large lottery prize is announced, many people want to buy a chance to win it. They are excited about the huge jackpot before them. Even though the potential winnings are temporal, those involved are anything but indifferent. It’s completely accurate, however, to say that indifference is widespread when it comes to the eternal realities of the Kingdom of God. So often people don’t care about the eternal truths that are sound reasons for much excitement and great joy. The verse above is such a reason. According the Reese Chronological Bible, there were nearly 4,000 years between the creation and the birth of Jesus. Those years represent the ages and generations through which the mystery was hidden. Then, with the advent of the Lord Jesus, the mystery was revealed. It is this revelation that has exposed the gift of eternal salvation, the Gospel of God. At the time when lottery winnings will be very long gone and forgotten, the revealed mystery of our oneness with God will still be the source of everlasting glory. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What observations do you have about the revelation of the mystery being made to you?

2. We know only God has the answer, but what thoughts do you have about the mystery being hidden for so long?