Tuesday, February 4, 2014


READING: JOHN 12:42-50

Verse 43: “for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”

Parents are often concerned about negative peer influence on their children. Concerned parents encourage their children and prepare them to resist such influences. The reality is that these influences don’t end when childhood concludes or even when teenage years end. Adults are also influenced by others and accordingly at times respond in ways that do not acknowledge the lordship of Jesus. An example of this problem is related in today’s passage of scripture. Those verses inform us that, during the earthly ministry of the Lord, there were those who believed in Him but would not let it be known. They were afraid of the results that would follow if they did, and they feared those who could cause consequences. Verse 43 above captures their dilemma very well. They are also further identified in Matthew 10:28. There the Bible describes people who fear those who can kill the body, rather than He who is able to destroy both soul and body. Today I pray that each of us will successfully resist being wrongly influenced by others. May we consistently seek and find contentment by elevating the praise of God above all else. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How can ungodly influences be avoided?

2. When ungodly influences can’t be avoided, what should be done?