Saturday, January 4, 2014



Verse 19: “Listen now to my voice; I will give you counsel, and God will be with you: Stand before God for the people, so that you may bring the difficulties to God.”

This passage of scripture describes the type of leadership that Moses exercised over the Israelites. The Bible states that he alone sat as judge over the people from morning until evening. He did this until Jethro, his father-in-law, helped Moses to see that he was taking on too much. Jethro advised Moses to appoint leaders to assist him by judging smaller matters, then Moses would only have to judge the great matters. This sound leadership practice is now known and taught as the Jethro Principle. However, the deeper key to success in using this principle is not always recognized. In verse 19 above Jethro established the foundation for his instruction to his son-in-law. The basic strength in the principle was that Moses was to stand before God and to take the difficulties to the Lord. Before doing anything else, he had to learn to first look for help from his Lord and his God. The Jethro principle is built upon putting God first! Every good thing begins in Him. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How do you suppose Jethro got his wisdom?

2. What are your thoughts about the use of Jethro's input in your life?