Tuesday, December 31, 2013



Verse 41: “And Moses said, ‘Now why do you transgress the command of the Lord?’”

Numbers 14 relates how the Israelites rejected God’s plan. They sinned by refusing to cross into the Promised Land when they should have. As they realized the magnitude of their offense against the Lord, they tried to correct their sin. Belatedly, they tried to do what God had previously wanted of them. The problem was that it was entirely too late. They had disregarded the Lord’s command, and were therefore soundly defeated in battle. Their experience confirms the frequently used expression that says “two wrongs don’t make a right”. By using their own solution to correct the sin of disobedience instead of repenting, they added the sin of rebellion and dug a deeper hole for themselves. We can use their experience to our advantage. When we disobey, and disobey we will, we can avoid adding the sin of rebellion to the disobedience. We should learn instead, to turn to the Lord, to receive His generous and merciful gifts of forgiveness and repentance; and submit to His will. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. If at first you don’t succeed, what is the next step?

2. How was Moses able to know in advance that their idea would not succeed?