Saturday, August 16, 2014


READING: LUKE 12:42-48

Verse 48: “...For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”

Most people will readily embrace the part of this verse that relates to much being given. On the other hand, many will be less enthused about much being required of them. Here is an example. I have observed teenagers in a situation where they could earn privileges by improving their performance of assignments. They consistently worked with diligence to gain these advances. Then, as they would begin to benefit from their rewards, something would happen. They would begin to realize that added privileges also involved greater responsibilities. However, they often lacked the maturity to master new responsibilities. This would result in loss of their privileges, until they became prepared to fulfill the responsibilities. The lesson they had to learn, sometime requiring multiple iterations, illustrates  the point made by the Lord Jesus in the verse above. As Christians, just as we expect to receive much from our positioning in the Kingdom of God, we must also expect to give much. Those teens were developed by their process of natural living. How much blessing there is for us in our spiritual and supernatural preparation. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Why do some people conclude it is not worth the effort it takes to get more?

2. What is currently required of you?