Thursday, August 7, 2014



Verse 10: “One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you.”

Does the following sound familiar? The good guys are caught in a threatening situation. They have tried every idea that has come to their minds in trying to get out of trouble. However, with each failure the situation has become more and more desperate. It has begun to seem that the bad guys will prevail. Finally the good guys resort to their last possibility, but it doesn’t work either. Now they are defeated and just waiting for the end to come. Suddenly there is a sound in the distance. As the sound comes closer they are able to see what is coming. It is the chief good guy and he is coming to their rescue. They shout for joy! That is the story for many fiction adventures. What is infinitely more important, and greater than fiction, is that this scenario is an absolute truth and reality for Christians. He who fights for us has promised and He is faithful to keep His word. He consistently grants us victories as we need them, and He will appear to complete the ultimate victory of all time. On our own, we are just waiting for the end to come, but under the lordship of our mighty God we have our rescue. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is the Lord’s most frequent form of rescue in your life?

2. What is your response when the Lord fights for you?