Tuesday, July 15, 2014



Verse 4: “But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know it was Jesus."

 The words “when the morning had now come” constitute a compelling phrase which is full of hope and anticipation. When that statement is made, a person of Christian optimism will likely expect that some improvement or refreshment is about to take place. That is because Christians know that the Bible identifies mornings as times when special blessings are granted. For example, God’s word tells us that His mercies are new in the morning; that joy comes in the morning; that God’s lovingkindness is declared in the morning; and that the glory of the Lord shall be seen in the morning. That is just a sampling of many such encouragements. It is no wonder that so many biblical personalities rose early in the morning. They experienced so many supernatural goodnesses in those early times, that they came to expect it to happen. Blessings are still available and waiting when morning comes. When we are in place and expectant, we too can consistently receive the blessings of morning delights in the presence of the Lord. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What is it in the morning that causes special opportunities?

2. What gets in the way of these morning blessings?