Monday, June 2, 2014



Verse 10: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding...” 

Two young women, Edna and June, found out about an elderly woman who was desperately lonely, and they decided to help her. They faithfully served the old lady and she grew to love them. After three years the woman’s life ended and Edna and June became millionaires. They were the only heirs of the lady’s great wealth. Edna quickly concentrated on the money she received and multiplied it. Unfortunately, her focus on finances consumed her entire life and nothing else mattered. Ironically, 40 years later it was Edna who had become the lonely old woman. During the intervening years she never gained true understanding. On the other hand, June concentrated on knowing the heart of God regarding her life, including the use of the money she had received. She used all of her money for godly purposes. Therefore, in contrast to Edna, June’s older years were vibrant and fulfilled. She was no longer rich monetarily, but she was wealthy in understanding. What is the understanding June had that Edna didn’t? It is identified in Proverbs 9:10, which informs us that knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. A life lived in Christ made the difference! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. How does a person obtain knowledge of the Holy One?

2. What kind of understanding results from knowledge of the Holy One?