Tuesday, May 6, 2014



Verse 33: “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits’”

There are times when Christians are enticed or tempted to participate in ungodly activities. Frequently the instrument of temptation will be people who do not value godly standards and principles. Associations with such people can begin innocently or even through attempts to evangelize. Somewhere along the way, however, these temptations and enticements can occur. For that reason the warning quoted above has been issued and should be very seriously heeded. It is provided as a strong exhortation so that Believers will not lapse into any false sense of security during interactions with unbelievers. The resulting lowered defenses can admit deceptions that foster sinful behaviors. This warning should not lead us to fear or evade unbelievers, because we are called to minister the gospel to them. Instead, the Apostle Paul wants us to be vigilant and spiritually guarded. As we do interact with those holding other than godly viewpoints, we must do so prayerfully and as led by Holy Spirit wisdom. The Message Version of the Bible puts it this way from Matthew 10:16, “Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.” That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you called to respond in any way to someone who is “living on the edge” as described above?

2. Is there a place in your life where the Matt 10:16 counsel is needed?