Tuesday, April 29, 2014


READING: LUKE 10:13-16

Verse 16: “He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent me.”

It is sometimes difficult for us as Christians when the best we have to offer is not received. It can be a time when we share the gospel with someone who does not choose to accept our faith. It can be a situation where a fellow Believer does not share our enthusiasm about something godly. It can even be a season of life when a family member constantly refuses our offerings of ministry and truth. In these cases, and others like them, it is possible to feel that we have failed. Much of the time, that feeling of failure may very well not be accurate. In reality, our responsibility is only to present God’s truth. We are not held responsible to make others receive it. That is where today’s verse applies. We are simply messengers. We are vessels that contain and then pour out the message of the gospel. Once we have been poured through as those vessels, we cannot control the result and are not expected to do so. It is sad when someone rejects the message of the Lord, and therefore also rejects Him. However, when equipped and called by the Holy Spirit we have offered gospel truth, we have succeeded and not failed. At those times, we can receive the comfort and commendation of the good and faithful servant. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. As you consider the Lord being heard through you, what is your reaction?

2. What causes people to be good and faithful servants?