Sunday, March 30, 2014


READING: Romans 6:17-23

Verse 23: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

The most serious issue faced by any person, rests on that person’s response to authority. Now that’s a pretty bold statement since many people face many serious issues. But it is a statement made with intent, purpose and forethought. The truth is that the Living God is the ultimate authority! The manner in which each person relates to Him, establishes that person’s future of eternal peace or everlasting torment. This truth is established by the verse above as an example, along with numerous other scriptures. No issue could possibly be more serious, or even as serious. My sincere hope is that as you peruse this reading, you are properly resolved in the matter of your response to the authority of Almighty God, the Lord of all. If you are, may you furthermore be led and positioned by the Holy Spirit to be instrumental to someone else in their acceptance of the Lord’s ultimate authority. Nothing matters more than receiving gift of salvation which is made possible by His supreme authority. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Are you motivated by this reading to take any action?

2. What do you see in the contrast between “wages” and “gift” as expressed in verse 23 above?