Sunday, March 23, 2014



Verse 3: “Simon Peter said to them, ‘I am going fishing.’ They said to him, ‘we are going with you also.’ They went out and immediately got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing”

At the time Peter and the others decided to go fishing, they were experiencing agony, confusion and helplessness. They had gone from living every day in the presence of Jesus, to severely mourning His absence from their lives. The Bible reveals a great deal about Peter’s personality. From what we know, we can conclude it is probable that, by that time, he just couldn’t handle any more inaction. He had to do something. So we find him announcing that he was going fishing. We can’t be certain of what he and the others expected to accomplish by fishing. However, this verse goes on to relate that fishing didn’t help them at all. Actually it may have added a note of disappointment or sense of failure to emotions that were already present. Likewise, when we are troubled in our lives, diving into human activities is not the best solution. As we read further in this passage, we see what did make the difference for them. The change in their situation that met their need, was the arrival of the Lord Jesus to care for them. That reality is a great “take away” from this reading for today. For them on that memorable day, and for us on any given day; Jesus is our great help in time of need. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Why did Peter choose fishing instead of other possible activities?

2. Why did the others so quickly follow Peter in his decision?