Sunday, February 9, 2014



Verse 18: “The wicked man does deceptive work, but he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward.”

Following is a list of professions. As you read them, what common characteristics do you see among them? See if you can tell how they are alike. Here they are: strategists, investors, meteorologists, designers, chemists, architects and sciesmotologists. Do you get it? They are similar because they all  involve taking information which is available in the present, and using it to estimate what it can become in the future. Use of computers and the resulting expansion of knowledge have made possible more accurate predictions of future events and results. However, there will always be limits  to the accuracy of human expectations. The most precise calculations will still involve some “percent of error”. Given that natural reality, we turn to the Word of God. There we find constant predictions, known as prophetic declarations, that are perfectly accurate; and that to our immense benefit. Proverbs 11:18 is one such prediction that is perfectly accurate with zero percent of error. This accuracy is found only in His word and in His order! There was a sign in a work place with two rules. The first was: “The boss is always right”. The second was: “If the boss is wrong, revert to the first rule”. In God’s Kingdom the second rule is not needed. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What promised aspect of eternal life excites you the most?

2. What has been your most recent opportunity to “sow righteousness”?