Friday, February 28, 2014



Verse 4: “to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.”

Without necessarily thinking about it, we very much respond to the assumption that good things won’t last. We keep extensive records that keep us aware of how long past good things have lasted. These records encourage us with regard to endurance, however they are also subtle reminders that those good things have eventually ended. At times, people are so anxious about the anticipated ends of events, that they are unable to enjoy them while they do last. While that is the nature of much of our worldly experience, we are given a very different heavenly expectation. The verse above speaks to us of an everlasting inheritance that does not loose its richness, which is being kept for us in heaven. No one will ever establish the record number of days of consecutive joy in heaven. It will not be possible to achieve such records, because the days of joy and all the other promises of God will never end. We won’t count the amount that has gone before, won’t wonder about how much yet remains and we won’t be reluctantly expect an end. We will simply abide in the glory that will be present. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What do you think may be one part of your inheritance?

2. Is there anything you can receive from this scripture or reading that you can practice now?