Monday, November 18, 2013


READING: John 1:6-13

Verse 6: “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.”

People are so very different as individuals. It is truly a miracle that God has created so many of us, but still has caused us each to be so individually distinctive. This fact brings up an amazing reality  about the Bible. In spite of our great differences, the Lord has placed personalities in the Bible with whom each of us can identify. He has made sure we all can see those with familiar character traits being used for mighty supernatural purposes. I believe He wants everyone to be encouraged in that manner. Many characteristics are presented so that all of us can be stimulated and motivated by what we read.  Even greater, in addition to this quality of individual appeal, some of these characteristics also are attractive in ways that are universal for us all. The verse quoted above for today’s reading is one of the latter. In it there is an honor to which every Christian should aspire. That is the honor of being  known as a person sent by God. In that regard, may we all be blessed to be like John. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What biblical personality in addition to the Lord Jesus motivates or stimulates you and how?

2. What can you identify in your life that testifies that you are sent by God?