Monday, November 4, 2013


READING: PSALM 106:19-23

Verses 19, 20: “They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molded image. Thus they changed their glory into the image of an ox that eats grass.”

Above is how the Bible presents two verses of Psalm 106. These verses describe an experience of the Israelites. They got what would rightly be called a bad deal. They gave up the glory of God for an idol. We know that nothing approaches the worth of the glory of God - absolutely nothing. But the truth is that the Hebrews could hardy have gotten further from this glory. Instead of glory, they settled for the image of an ox! With the hindsight we have today, we can easily label this sinful trade-off as a bad deal. But hold on; wait a minute. What happens when we sin? I think the answer is that we do basically the same thing the Israelites did. In John 17, Jesus gave oneness with the Godhead and glory to all Believers. However, it is true that sin separates us from these gifts that we have been granted. Therefore, when we sin, we trade glory and oneness with God for the carnality of sin. Just like the Israelites, we make a bad deal. How blessed we are for the life giving reality that Jesus has saved us and redeemed our bad deals. That’s a thought - about God’s Word.


1. In what aspect of your life are you most subject to what is described above as a bad deal?

2. The best thing for a bad deal is to replace it with a good deal. What is the best response to sin as a bad deal?