Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Verse 9: “Now therefore heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them”

How do people respond when they are asked if they prefer to learn the hard way or the easy way? Only rarely would a person state a preference for learning the hard way. On the other hand, the behaviors of some people relegate them to positions where there is no option but to learn the hard way. In 1 Samuel 8, the nation of Israel illustrates the choice to learn the hard way. Through Samuel, God warned them of the suffering that would result from having a king to rule them. Verse 19 states that they refused to hear and said “We will have a king over us”. The results of their choice condemned them to having to learn the hard way. The Lord wants us to avoid this type of bad choice. He provides us with the wisdom of His word so that we can learn in an easier way. We can repeat the mistake of the Israelites, or we can receive the way of blessing from the Holy Father. We can have it our way. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Have you chosen the hard way instead of the easy? If so:
a. What caused that choice?
b. What did you learn from the experience?

2. If you have never chosen the hard way instead of the easy:
a. To what do you attribute this?
b. What does it teach you about yourself?