Sunday, October 6, 2013



Verse 12: “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness,longsuffering;”

This verse informs Christians, as the elect of the Lord, to receive godly qualities. Those who are serious about godliness are eager to obey, but sometimes don’t see how to get there. Some are worn out, frustrated, or defeated from their attempts at obedience. These people need to know that a successful response to this scripture is accomplished by the power of God, and not by human effort or striving. The scriptural prescription to accomplish this and all spiritual goals is given in scriptures such as Luke 11:9 – “...ask and it will be given to you...”; John 14:14 – “if you ask anything in my name I will do it”; and James 4:2 – “ do not have because you do not ask”. As we desire to be merciful, kind humble, meek and longsuffering; we can trust the Lord’s promise to freely give us all things. It is His gifting and provision that complete the work. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Is your process of putting on the qualities described above properly balanced between what you expect of God and what you expect of yourself.

2. In terms of the bumper sticker that was popular years ago, is the Lord your co-pilot, or do you regard Him as your pilot.