Saturday, October 19, 2013



Verse 10: “For I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you...”

The New Testament creates some clear impressions of the Apostle Paul. There are many examples in the Bible of his boldness and courage. Therefore it is easy to picture Paul as an independent and confident person. He might not seem to be one who was needful of much encouragement. However, in Acts 18 we find that he did need it. The Lord Jesus spoke to Paul in a vision encouraging him to not fear and to speak and not keep silent. The Lord went on to assure Paul of his safety and security. I believe this encouragement for Paul came because God completely knew his heart, character and nature. From His all-knowing perspective, the Lord determined Paul’s need and responded to it. That should bless us all! Our God is faithful, complete and timely to provide for our encouragement and for our every need. He never fails! That’s a thought- about God’s Word.


1. What is your response when you find yourself in need of encouragement?

2. At this time, do you see a need to improve your manner of receiving encouragement? If so how will you approach that?