Sunday, October 27, 2013


READING: MARK 13:24-37

Verse 37: “And what I say to you I say to all: ‘Watch’”

We are not active watchers today in the sense that people have been in former times. I think of how sailors used to watch for land, of how scouts watched in advance of armies, explorers or wagon trains. Lookouts and guards watched for the approach of the enemy. The art of watching in those ways is largely lost to us today. Instead, in our time, we have become watchers of screens. We watch computer screens, TV screens, movie screens and even our cell phones are small screens. For security and surveillance purposes, we watch video and radar monitors which are also screens. However, for we who are Christians, there is a different type of watching that is our assignment. We are commended to a spiritual watch. We accomplish it as we anticipate the return of the Lord Jesus. He instructed us about this kind of watching as He spoke the words that are recorded above in Mark 13, to the  disciples. His message to us is crystal clear. We are to watch for the return of our Lord, and the success of that watch is assured. He will be seen because no one will miss His appearing! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. What can you learn from contemporary screen watching that will be useful for application in your spiritual life?

2. Mark 13:34 says the doorkeeper was commanded to watch. Check that verse to see if and/or how you identify with the doorkeeper role.