Thursday, September 26, 2013



Verse 4 – “So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus”
 This verse describes the beginning of an apostolic mission. These apostles went being sent out by the Holy Spirit. The phrase “being sent out by the Holy Spirit” is a very important one. Only the Lord God Himself is able to know all of the human ventures that have taken place in the last 2000 years plus. By far the great majority of them are long forgotten in human records or even human memory. Of those ventures not forgotten, there is some retention of those that are more recent or notable, but actually much of the past has expired. Considering the sum total of all this historical past, there is a great and prominent exception. The exception Is the Gospel of God. This gift of grace persists solely, and without equal, as the most successful endeavor ever undertaken. One of the reasons for this reality goes back to what is stated in Acts 13:4. Those who have gone forth for the gospel, have not merely gone, but they have been sent by the Holy Spirit. The fruit of their accomplishments is vast beyond description or understanding, and will always continue to remain. The Gospel of God and its power are eternal! That’s a thought – about God’s Word.


1. Can you identify a particular time when you were sent out by the Holy Spirit?

2. What aspirations do you have about being sent?