Friday, September 20, 2013


Verse 18: “Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized”

Verse 18 above describes the restoration of Saul’s sight after he was blinded. It describes a physical experience, but it also seems to symbolize a spiritual one. Previously Saul had been spiritually blinded by deceptions about the Gospel. His encounter with the Lord Jesus caused him to acknowledge his spiritual condition. The act of physically receiving his sight when the scales fell, can be taken to symbolize the gift of receiving spiritual sight. The essence of Saul’s experience is duplicated by every Christian. We have been transformed from being spiritually sightless to being spiritually sighted. It is worthy to note that his first act following the restoration of his sight, was to be baptized into godly excellence. May our spiritual sight produce the same result in our lives. Praise God for all who say “I once was blind, but now I see”. That’s a thought – about God’s Word.

1. What do you need to see in a new way at this time in your life?

2. Will you make yourself accountable to someone regarding this matter of new vision?